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This is Annie, my little freak, my freaky-deaky girl. Way back when we first adopted her, the tag on her cage read "Likes to talk." She sure as hell does. We carry on whole conversations. I'm regularly saying, "You tell me ALL about it!" And she does.

Annie is 17-years-old, diabetic, and, sadly, has some sort of mass in her chest. I opted not to mess with it because she seems fine for now and wouldn't understand biopsies, surgeries, chemo, and the like. I'll get her palliative care when she needs it and do the responsible pet owner thing when that time comes. But I hope it's not for a while yet. I really love her and will miss her like crazy.

vita 7 Apr 25
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My Sophie is orange and white, and also a talker. I've had several orange kitties, all talkers! I wonder if Annie's red spot means some tortie mixed in... also talkers!

poetdi56 Level 7 Apr 29, 2018

Someone told me that mackerel tabbies with some orange mixed in are "torbies." Yeah, yeah, whatever. If she were a dog, she'd be a mutt. Of course, mutts are often the best dogs.


She is one beautiful creature.

Yes. Yes, she is. I confess to some bias on this matter.


What a sweetie and she poses too! I hope you have as much time with her as possible.

kmdskit3 Level 8 Apr 26, 2018

Aw, thanks. Me too.


It doesn't look it, but I wonder if she's part Siamese? They tend to be real chatterboxes!

phxbillcee Level 10 Apr 25, 2018

I have wondered that too.


My oldest is 18.


Aw she's cute. I particularly like the clothes hamper picture!

I'd love to have a kitty live that long.

I think you know her best and know best what to do.

I wonder what's mixed in with that tabby? She has long ears... and talks? 😉

RavenCT Level 9 Apr 25, 2018

My other kitty lived to be 21. We lost her to kidney disease in 2016.

I'm not sure what's mixed in with Annie. She has a red spot on the top of her head (which is why the shelter named her Annie) and some red patches elsewhere.

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