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My Zoe is obsessed with exploring the hallway. On a couple of occasions I left in a hurry. She snuck out w/o my seeing her. I came back and the desk attendant said "Do you have a cat?" Oh my god.

SKH78 8 May 6
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Emily likes to escape via balcony and visit all my neighbors. They reassure me that she is a VERY affectionate cat.


I got a new kitten in January, and in February she decided the garage was the place to be. Now I'm real careful when I open the door to know her physical location. That little pea brain would be out in the real world in a heartbeat.


Live in an apartment building and have the same problem. Found that putting a jingly collar on them helps to alert me of their presence- or absence. It is horrible when we can't find our kitties isn't it? Good luck.

kmdskit3 Level 8 May 7, 2018

Harness maybe? Try some walks?

RavenCT Level 9 May 7, 2018

Do you live in a hotel? (I'm trying to figure out why there is a desk attendant.) Could you take her out to explore the hallway sometime when not many people are around? Would that satisfy her curiosity, or just make her even more intent on getting out?

Probably the latter, but that doesn't mean it shouldn't be done. It's our job to provide enrichment to their lives. Or so mine tells me.

@vita Could you put a harness and leash on her, so she can explore without taking off entirely?

No way. She wouldn't tolerate that nonsense. However, she gets supervised visits outside. She won't run. She just likes to go out there, eat grass, come back inside, and barf.

I live in a condo complex. 24/7 desk attendant, which is good. My Zoe snuck out twice and I came back to find her peacefully sleeping in front of my door.

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