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LINK How giant tea companies exploit Kenyan plantation workers - World Socialist Web Site

Lucrative Kenyan tea plantations are owned by British corporate giants, including Unilever and James Finlay ... Child labour, along with casual labour without job security and underpayment are prevalent ... Permanent workers in Unilever’s Kericho county plantation can make 515 Kenyan shillings ($US5.15) a day, barely sufficient for daily expenses ... When workers went on strike, the armed forces shot at a picket line, killing a worker. About 336 workers were sacked. KPAWU refused to mobilise the workers, promoting illusions in the courts instead.

These reporters visited a Unilever tea plantation in Kenya and wrote in depth about it: []

It's disheartening (to say the least) that worldwide food production is corporatized this way. We have a small group of people who have become very wealthy by stealing land and labor, basically. After reading these articles I'm going to be more careful where I buy my tea! (I mostly drink Ito En – I have to look them up.)

altschmerz 9 Oct 2
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Capitalism: Crooked and Corrupt .

GEGR Level 7 Oct 2, 2019

Thanks for the heads-up..


This has been going on for over 300 years perpetrated by the British, French, Portuguese and the Dutch. Whether it was teas or spices, the colonists enslaved the colonized people for centuries and now want to be called civilized, advanced societies and the protectors of human rights in the world,

The British put thousands of families in India on ships, promised them a good life, good pay and a visit back home each year for the holidays and took them to Fiji, Africa and the Caribbean islands. On some ships, the British told that they would never go back home and see their families. Many people were terrified, distraught and jumped in the seas.

Until today, they have not gone back to their homelands and stayed where they were taken but still follow the traditions and customs passed on by their previous generations.

I met a woman from Fiji who said her great grandmother was just 9 years old snatched from her parents and put on the ship. She never saw her parents and cried for months after arriving at the destination port.

St-Sinner Level 9 Oct 2, 2019

These corporations are nothing but Vultures!!!


They learned all the dirty tricks from Nestle!

Charlene Level 9 Oct 2, 2019

Corporations at their best

bobwjr Level 10 Oct 2, 2019
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