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LINK Sanders begins campaign to drag his supporters behind Biden - World Socialist Web Site

Just as Sanders tried to deliver his voters to Hillary he is trying to do the same with Biden. pure political charlatanism, profound article.

Ian-Duggan 7 Mar 12
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We can't let trump get another 4 years. We have to vote for Biden. After the election we can keep up the fight.

zoldtimer Level 4 Mar 18, 2020

Ummmm, cite something Real?

AnneWimsey Level 9 Mar 13, 2020

Sanders doesn't have the grit to defeat the establishment.

He is a saint and his policies are great but he is just too damn decent. He keeps calling Biden "My friend Joe". And he is shooting himself in the foot by telling the world that Biden can defeat Trump. Bernie wins on every issue except electablity. Which is nonsense, he is the only one who has a chance at being elected but the corporate news has been hammering it into people's heads for years that Biden is electable and America will never elect a socialist.

So here we are and Bernie is playing along with that absurdity. It's like he knew he would lose from the start so he is already replaying 2016 where he puts up a good fight but ultimately works harder to get the shitty corporate dem elected than that shit candidate works for him/her self. And in the end, there is only more victory for the trump regime. Why don't he grow a pair, damn.

RoboGraham Level 8 Mar 12, 2020

Troll alert??🤔


When did he start this?

@OwlInASack I've been starting to believe that based on some of his posts

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