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Coronavirus Task Force Spokesperson Katie Miller Tests Positive for COVID-19

Katie Miller, the spokeswoman for the White House’s coronavirus task force and wife of white nationalist Stephen Miller, has tested positive for COVID-19. When asked about the situation, President Trump said: ”She tested very good for a long period of time - then, all of a sudden today, she tested positive - and I have no idea why."

Well, Mr President, not to worry. I’m pretty sure most folks with an IQ in the triple digits already have a pretty good idea as to why. I mean, who could have known those CDC folks and medical experts actually knew what they’re talking about?

By the way Mr President, that’s really profound how you point out that “she tested very good for a long period of time - then, all of a sudden, she tests positive.” A statement like that really gives people a lot of confidence that you folks know what the hell you’re doing.

Anyway, I’d send her out a big bunch of “thoughts and prayers,” but that doesn’t sound necessary in this case. After all, I’m sure this is nothing that injecting yourself with a little disinfectant bleach won’t help.


johnnyrobish 8 May 8
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If you married this Fucking Nazi, You Deserve the Virus .

GEGR Level 7 May 9, 2020

Maybe along with trump her hubby goes what a twofer

bobwjr Level 10 May 9, 2020

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