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Sad. Joe Biden totally punks Stacey Abrams on MSNBC. This is bizarre, at best, cruel at worst.

SeaGreenEyez 9 May 19
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This is the problem with infotainment news. This is a prime example of a planned agenda to deliver a deceptive message. First off there's no logical reason Biden would ask Abrams to be his vice president pick. She's just now breaking through the black stratosphere of the political arena.

Having a partial play in exposing voter suppression with the help of Greg Palast in her state, she should have and still be screaming rip off at the top of her lungs. But she isn't, is she? This is merely another page from the 2016 Sanders edition. Why? Because she is presently in the mist of becoming a new black elite politician who's being assimilated into the program. And Biden needs her help to win over her followers and she's playing along with the program. []

And to sell the new going false narrative of mail in voting as though it's safe from being corrupted. [] Palast assures us it's nothing of the sort as Lee Camp details for us. And Palast details himself. [] According to Palast we'd be essentially handing Trump 4 more years if he doesn't already have this locked up from the democrats seemingly apparent agenda to give him the election already.

I covered her election quite well in my group. Just as i did the 2016 election. Have no doubt about it, there is the same correlation here. Both parties rig elections which suppress the minority and poverty class the most. That's by design to keep the country moving to the right and provide the agenda that benefits corporations and the ruling class. The democratic party doesn't care if they lose voters because they still remain in power and remain wealthy. Those that make their way in like Abrams and the squad simply join the ranks and play along within the agenda.

2020: it's Bidens turn to carry this shit show just as he allowed Clinton to do so in 2016. You must ask why Biden the then current vice president didn't run in 2016. These shit shows are planned well in advance. Quite frankly, this virus seems to have been providing a lot of advancement to a number of agendas to where it's becoming harder to not believe it was planned also.

@SeaGreenEyez I like your post. If I had more time I'd spend more time on them. But between work and my own group its tough. Keep up the good work!

@SeaGreenEyez recently reduced my hours, but still working. I'm a local truck driver for a scrap steel company. Strongly voicing that our government isn't doing enough for those out of work due to their derelict.


Who told her/them to think that? WTH? This announcer is a complete douche! And so is the MSNBC guy!

Voting rights are critical, as anybody with half a brain knows, giving her fulsome compliments is "bad"???????
Oh, and isn't the VP announced at the Convention? Just Bogus all around.....

AnneWimsey Level 9 May 19, 2020

@SeaGreenEyez isn't the Convention where VP is announced? This is totally bogus!


I'm not a fan of Kyle Kulinski, and I'm not sure what Biden had in mind when he set up her coming on MSNBC, but announcing a vice presidential pick on live TV without the pick knowing ahead of time is something our current president would do. So perhaps her expressions are being misread?

Lauren Level 8 May 19, 2020

When I watched the Kyle guy, my first thought was, well this guy is trying to create something out of nothing. It just seemed like a lot of Innuendo, to me.


Time to get out the ole "Block" button -- my computer has no room for any GOP supporters. 🙂

Justme43 Level 7 May 19, 2020

@SeaGreenEyez Yeah, already forgotten the name. Someone posting about how Biden had demensia and how no way he would ever vote for HIM. So, don't got time to read such garbage, if I wanted to read that stuff, I'd go on FB! 🙂


I must disagree with this guys conclusion about the interview. I watched it live and did not feel that Biden dissed her at all. In fact he praised her for her heroic work on the voting issues we have thanks to lying repubs. This was nothing but more “Biden is a prick” talk.

@SeaGreenEyez What did Biden say that made Lawrence or Stacy think that? I must have missed something. I watched the interview and didn’t hear or see anything that would make me think he was going to make an announcement of anything. I do think Lawrence tries to “make news” sometimes, and gets ahead of himself.

@SeaGreenEyez well, I guess I took things differently than you did. I pretty much thought Biden was just getting strong Democrats like Stacy, to appear with him to show he is wanting to showcase the great people in the party. I just don’t think Biden would roll like that with a surprise announcement.

@SeaGreenEyez Yes, it is a beautiful thing when people can disagree in a kind way! We don’t see to much of that in society these days.😘


Biden has always been a jerk, but now he also has dementia. Another reason not to vote for him.


His comments about her were very patronizing..

Krish55 Level 8 May 19, 2020
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