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For all of the Biden supporters here, and for those who think anyone's better than Trump, so Biden's the guy ...

I strongly suggest you watch this. It's less than 9 minutes AND BIDEN SAYS NOT ONE OF US SHOULD VOTE FOR A CANDIDATE WE DON'T BELIEVE IN as he's apologizing for saying nasty racist shit on live tv.

Which is one of my biggest bitches about Biden. He INSTRUCTS people to vote for the other guy.

We live in such a shameful 😔 time in such a shameful country.

This guy ... BIDEN! apologized for being a racist
.. then says it's OK not to vote for him ... because he said racist shit.


(I don't care who doesn't like TYT. They're AT LEAST covering this most important story. The Breakfast Club has immense viewership. And Biden said a viciously racist thing to 25 MILLION Americans that have viewed the video Most likely African Americans mostly.) 😞

SeaGreenEyez 9 May 25
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I'm not a single-issue voter. I'm capable of multi-dimensional thought.

BitFlipper Level 8 June 12, 2020

4 more Years of this Orange Pile of Rancid Dog Shit WILL FUCKING FINISH THIS COUNTRY . I will take a Dead Fucking Dog to what we are dealing with . I'm proudly taking my chances with Biden, the alternative is Mass Fucking Chaos . You must not have been paying attention the last Fucking 4 Years .

GEGR Level 7 May 26, 2020

In my opinion Biden’s long record proves he is no racist! Can the same be true of the lying POS in the WH now?

Justme43 Level 7 May 25, 2020

If you are a person of color, and you support drump, you are an IDIOT!

AnneWimsey Level 9 May 25, 2020

@SeaGreenEyez sorry, but if you are a person of color, and you support drump, you are an IDIOT! Still, ever,and forever.

Actually your statement is true if the words, "of color" are taken out.


It's outrageous, but soo Joe "Go Slow" Biden..he ain't racist, he Just acts like one.

Charlene Level 9 May 25, 2020
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