3 9

LINK Very well said

The US is the world's worst abuser of the human rights.
It doesn't matter if presidents peak softly or bluntly as long as they're serving the same corrupted system
The US couldn't be that unjust around the world and just inside the US .

Big thanks for the protestors .

Shaghaf 6 May 31
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I'll be the last to say I like the way things have gone over the last three years but I doubt than many folks will even give a thought about trading life here for one with a Muslim government. We put people in jail for no good reason and they just kill them. I understand that there have been way to many minority deaths by the police but we still have the right to protest them as is happening and brought the conversation to the front page.

gearl Level 8 May 31, 2020

I wonder from were you get your information, and what do you mean by Muslim countries? Any specific example! There are maybe 30 countries or more where the majority are Muslims, are you talking about all of them?? Have you heard about protests in Egypt, Tunisia, Iran, .....and many other countries.
People are protesting everywhere, and believe me the police here are way more aggressive than over there. In addition, are these Muslim countries invading other countries and stealing their resources!! Are they claiming that they're bringing democracy and freedom for others? No , they're not.
Do you know that is the worst Muslim country in terms of human rights, it is Saudi Arabia, the best allies to the US !? I know, they have oil and money, so who cares about human rights, as long as they're paying money and oil and buying weapons from the US.
Saudi Arabia , which is the nightmare of human rights activists, was Obama's best allies as well as Trump, it doesn't matter who is the president.

@Shaghaf I get my information from listening to a whole lot of ex-Muslims and their experiences. If America is that bad maybe it would be good for you to look into moving to Egypt, Tunisia or Iran. I did not hold this country up as being the shining city on a hill but you sound like Ben Affleck and those like him who think it's fine to criticize Christians but unacceptable to hold Islam to the same standards. Maybe you are the one that needs to tell us where you get your information.

@gearl , It's very interesting to consider criticizing the American Police brutality against the Black American community, as critic for Christians !! especially when talking in Agnostic website. So one must be proud of your president holding the Bible to defend Christianity .
I criticize all religions and their roles in creating wars as well as promoting closed minded people.
I shared a link of an intelligent American lady who said that "U.S is the world's worst human rights abuser", and I do agree with her, and that is based on the US history of violation of human rights, from abroad war crimes to domestic racist and discrimination: starting from genocides against the indigenous, to the slavery, to the atomic bomb of Nagasaki and Hiroshima, to the US unlimited support to all kind of dictatorship around the wolds from Central America, to Saudi Arabia.. how this record of human rights' violations can be compared to any "Muslim" governments' record that you probably know very little about .
where I live and whom I criticize should be my own concerns and nobody's else

@Shaghaf I was a Jehovah’s Witness for half my life and so I personally know a lot about that religion. I am very adamant in opposing their influence and can say it’s never come into my mind to say anything untrue about them. No need as their bad doctrine is plenty. If I want to learn about Islam I’ll go to somebody who has lived that religion so I read books and watch videos by people that were and are Muslims. Have you read any of Ayaan Hersi Ali’s work. I have read The Caged Virgin , Infidel, Nomad and Heretic. I have read "I Am Malala" by Malala Yousafzai and Maajid Nawaz's “Radical and several of Irshad Manji’s books. I have watched hours of Sarah Haider & Muhammad Syed programs. I don’t claim to know a lot but I have spent many hours reading on the subject and listening to both sides of it.

Now you seem awful good at throwing out strawmen about me so you can criticize someone you know nothing about. On the other hand you link to one article and seem to know everything there is to know about Islam. Are you Muslim? Do you personally know Muslims and are they from the Middle East? Tell me your background so I and others reading can see where you get your knowledge. I told you a bit of where I got my info and I unlike you haven’t judged your knowledge but have asked where you get your vast knowledge of the Islamic religion. If you post an article for critique you might get people who don’t agree with everything in it. I am well aware of Americas dismal failure regarding civil rights and incarceration but that doesn’t mean that Muslim countries are paradise on earth. I am fully capable of condemning both.


She speaks the truth: Chauvin would not have been arrested without the burning down of the 3rd precinct building. Passive protests are not enough.

Bobbyzen Level 8 May 31, 2020

Thanks for this uprising, I'm learning about many interesting people I would not have the chance to know them in the " normal " situation.
I liked how she made the connection between the foreign and domestic policy of this regime. When the military industry leads you to create more , for profit, wars around the world, you wouldn't be concerned to achieve any justice for the most vulnerable populations in your own countries. Both inside and outside of the US you ( as a regime) killing the people of colors


With the highest rate of prisoners for any "developed" nation as well.

Yes, their easiest response to social problems, especially for African Americans, is to increase incarceration. Put aside the privetizaon of jails and the profit big corporations make from imprisoning more people.

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