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Trump’s Tweets Fan the Flames as Tensions Rise In US Cities

As police clashed with demonstrators protesting the murder of George Floyd in places like New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, and other cities, President Trump decided it’s time to add more fuel to the fire with tweets threatening to shoot protesters and calling for confrontational counter-protests in what Trump labeled as a “MAGANIGHT.”

Now, let’s see - citizens being murdered right before our very eyes in the streets by police, unemployment at Great Depression levels, and nearly 105,000 dead from the Orange Virus = riots in the streets? Why, who could have known?

To tell you how crazy things have actually gotten, I drove down to Tijuana, Mexico last week to get a new dental implant. When I got back to the US border crossing, the Custom’s Agent reminded me to not forget to set my watch back to 1951.


johnnyrobish 8 June 1
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Divide and conquer. He really does love Kim Un and gia buddy Putin. He wants to emulate their rule, especially Putin.


I watched his 15 minute speech on TV last night. He's a reality TV director. Of course he is inciting rebellion. He needs a reason to justify the military. He loves the chaos he can create. He must be doing something that he doesn't want us to see. I only see blue sky ahead. I'm scrambling for a parachute.


You're scaring me! Holy crap! What can I do? Seriously.

All I know is Trump would love to declare martial law. Then he could then suspend all civil liberties, harass and shut down the press and possibly suspend the election in November.

@johnnyrobish noooooo!

Locate a functioning parachute.

@johnnyrobish this world is going backwards. I cannot believe we're putting up with this in 2020.
He is insensitive to other people's pain. He sounds like a Rightwinger!!!

@TimeOutForMe of course he's a right winger!

@Cutiebeauty oy yessssss 😔


Absolute Fucking Nut Job .

GEGR Level 7 June 2, 2020

Just showing his racism

bobwjr Level 10 June 2, 2020
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