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Just a thought

TonyGriffiths1 5 June 3
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To paraphrase Muhammed Ali when he refused to obey the military draft during the Vietnam War, " I am a black man that will not go to war to kill the yellow man for the white man to defend land he stole from the red man", or words to that effect. I wish more Americans had that kind of awareness.


I'm in no way trying to justify the horrible things done during the colonization of America but our history is new compared to the rest of the world and therefore more accessible.Something tells me the greed of humanity was probably present in the building of every country in the world.

Lorajay Level 9 June 3, 2020

And recently - watch or read "Oranges & Sunshine" - children sent to slave in Australia from UK in 50's & 60's.

Very true.

Knowing, now means one can't claim ignorance and do nothing about it.

And people there are dealing with their issues. Are you willing to deal with your White Privilege that was built on the suffering of other? Or will you continue to try to divert the issue with irrelevant comments?


Yes it is

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