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Melania Used Newfound Leverage to Redo Prenup After Election

According to a new book written by Washington Post reporter Mary Jordan, the real reason First Lady Melania Trump stayed in New York for months after the President's inauguration, was to leverage a more favorable renegotiation of her prenuptial agreement.

Ah, nothing says “true love,” quite like renegotiating your prenup. I’ll tell you one thing, I’d buy Melania’s Art of the Deal any day before I’d ever buy Donald’s. What a shame such a book wasn’t around when Stormy Daniels was doing her negotiating with Trump.

The thing is, despite her fancy new prenup, I suspect Melania may eventually end up a wee-bit disappointed - when she finally realizes that all of Trump’s “wealth,” is essentially just a bunch of bank loans and Ponzi schemes.

That said, the story of how Donald met Melania really is actually quite romantic. Trump looked over at a bunch of Eastern European girls and told his bodyguards…"I'll take that one.” Why, with Christian family values like that, it’s no wonder evangelicals flock to him like flies on doo-doo.


johnnyrobish 8 June 12
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The First Hooker .

GEGR Level 7 June 13, 2020

She's probably a sociopath just like her husband.

Theresa_N Level 8 June 13, 2020


Yeah, probably. I don't know enough about her to be more certain.

@Theresa_N Well, there's the "I really don't care do u" incident


Lol payback

bobwjr Level 10 June 12, 2020

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