5 8

The Black Panthers, hated and vilified by the system because they built bridges across all racial groups and involved the disenfranchised in politics. The parallels to today's BLM movement are obvious.

If trumpie wins the next election, sad to say there will be many Fred Hampton's.

Mitch07102 8 June 14
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They had a point

bobwjr Level 10 June 18, 2020

Had? They still do. And have for 400 years.


I still have an original copy of the Black Panthers newspaper. Saved it in a zipped plastic bag!!!!!!!


Most people know nothing about Fred Hampton or the Black Panthers. Good video.

GreatNani Level 8 June 17, 2020

What an excellent conversation he had with the audience! I hope some of the people learned something about the Black Panthers!!


They may not be much better off under Biden. He's promised "no big changes."

Theresa_N Level 8 June 14, 2020

Hopefully, that mans no big changes from before tRum screwed everything up.

Everything was pretty bad, if you look at it carefully, it's just it's been totally awful under tRump. Biden is a corporatist, a neo-liberal, and a militarist. In the past he wasn't pro-life and was a segregationist. So let's hope for "the good old days."

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