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Many Red States Restoring Gun Rights for the Mentally Ill

Despite the ever-rising number of gun deaths in the United States, new data indicate that many red states have been increasingly restoring the right to carry firearms to people who’ve previously lost that right, due to serious mental illness.

Meanwhile, the NRA is strongly defending the move as “absolutely necessary,” pointing out that the last thing we need to be doing during these stressful times is leaving our nation’s mentally ill, completely defenseless against a much better-equipped, extremely well-armed - imaginary enemy.

The NRA further argued that that providing these vulnerable citizens with needed weaponry is especially critical during a pandemic, when folks such as paranoid schizophrenics may not be receiving their medications as frequently as they normally do, thereby increasing the perceived threat against them - by at least tenfold.


johnnyrobish 8 July 26
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Holy crap! I started reading this post, then had to stop to see who posted it! I thought it was the actual news 😂😂

Until I read :

"... mentally ill, completely defenseless against a much better-equipped, extremely well-armed - imaginary enemy."

Just for the record, everything I write, is based on a real news story. For me, that means the first paragraph is from the actual news story, but everything below that, is my take on that story.

@johnnyrobish yes, I understand..


Their reasoning is to protect their current dues paying members who have swaths of disturbed people amongst them.


The real insanity

bobwjr Level 10 July 26, 2020

It's parody.

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