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Twitter Bans Trump Account Over Coronavirus Misinformation

Facebook and Twitter have taken the extraordinary step of banning President Trump’s campaign account, for spreading lies and misinformation about the coronavirus, because of a video that was posted where the President claims “children can’t get the coronavirus, and if they do, it isn’t that bad.”

Well then, if that’s the case, I suppose it’s time to enroll young Barron Trump into one of those Covid-19 schools. Especially since 100 Mississippi students just had to be quarantined after their classmates tested positive for COVID-19, shortly after the school had reopened.

Meanwhile, angry conservatives are arguing that, if you start banning President Trump every time he lies about something in a social media post, you’re basically preventing him from posting - which is pure censorship.

Personally, I don’t think it’s necessary to actually ban the President or his accounts. All you have to do is simply attach a disclaimer to all his tweets, such as “caution: this account belongs to a complete and utter moron and a pathological liar.” Problem - solved!


johnnyrobish 8 Aug 5
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About time Twitter tied the twitter maniacs fingers. FB also deleted one of his lies. Problem is, too many of these 'social media' groups need to accept responsibility that unrestricted freedom of speech is proving to be deadly.


The disclaimer idea is a good one!


That's great news! Is Donny Dum Dumb throwing a tantrum now? They should've banned his account long ago...


There is no way Melania allows her precious little baby put in the Covid world.
The. Maryland governor just over rode the school systems to allow private schools to open - that is where Barroni's school is located.

I don’t think she gives a flying f about a child , even her son .
Anyone who choses to reproduce w that asshole , she did not do bcz she wanted a happy child . He is precious to her alright , that’s her future bargain $$$.

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