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Food Bank Workers Outraged By Trump Letters in Food-Aid Boxes

Workers at food banks across the nation are expressing shock and outrage after discovering that, just thirty-five days before the election, the Agriculture Department has began mandating that the millions of boxes of surplus food being distributed to needy families, must include a letter from President Donald Trump claiming credit for the program.

I think I’ve got a better idea. Instead of Mr. Trump’s letter, how about an alternative letter that says “provided by the American taxpayers - and Donald J. Trump is not one of them.” Of course, and in all fairness, Trump always been very charitable - when it comes to other people's money.

That said, and given the fact that he’s been feeling so generous and passionate towards the poor and unfortunate, I’m positive he’s already taken steps to ensure that each and every one of those boxes are completely filled to the brim with those delicious Trump Steaks and Trump Wines.

Of course, some may argue, that the very people we ought to be rushing one of these food bank boxes off to - is none other than the Trump family themselves. After all, haven’t they repeatedly made it clear to the IRS that they have no money and therefore - cannot afford to pay any taxes? Why, it sounds as if they’re in such dire financial straits, Trump may one day find himself texting - while sitting on a “porcelain commode.”


johnnyrobish 8 Oct 1
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Agent Orange was a vile human being long before he became president and remains a vile human being. IMO.

Sonja44 Level 7 Oct 2, 2020

Swing.. And a miss



bobwjr Level 10 Oct 1, 2020

The hubris of this grifter is astonishing🤬

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