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Trump’s Operation Dictatorship: What the debate exposed

The degenerate spectacle of Tuesday night’s debate between Donald Trump and Joseph Biden will be remembered in history as the United States’ moment of truth. The myth of an invulnerable and eternal American democracy has been shattered. Political reality has burst through the countless layers of deceitful propaganda of the corporate-financial oligarchy and exposed the undeniable fact that the White House is the political nerve center of a far-advanced conspiracy to establish a presidential dictatorship and suppress constitutionally guaranteed democratic rights.


{The role of the Democratic Party is to do everything it can to downplay and cover up reality, in order to prevent any popular mobilization against Trump. Biden went out of his way to declare that he is not opposed to Supreme Court nominee Amy Barrett. He complimented her as “a very fine person,” even though Barrett, once on the Court, will be one of those who will drive a nail into Biden’s political coffin.}

Well, here it is. If the leading paragraphs up to and through this one play out then my initial theory on the 2016 election cycle becomes a truth. That the entire election process of 2016 to today have all been a conspiracy to this path. Quite frankly it can all be added up as such. The democratic primary was a facade from Iowa on. In which during that process the democratic party purged their own leaning voters by the hundreds of thousands, if not millions, off the voting list, helping the republicans already using this method. Sanders betrayed his followers, never really putting up a sincere fight, and fell lock step into the following Russia facade. The DNC gave Clinton total control of its apparatus and money. Much of it laundered through state campaigns to her own election group set up in advance. In which they directed the MSCM to propel Trump to the lead among a circus of something like 27 candidates who stood by and allowed Trump to make a total mockery of their process and themselves. Between the DNC and republican purging it would enable a lower popular vote count to help justify the electoral collage decision to declare Trump the winner. Billions in free MSCM time for Trump and his supporters to unite them. Countless occasions of violence unanswered by law enforcement at rallies and protest. Then the same facade started out the 2020 cycle. Only to have the virus cut the show short. It couldn't have worked out any better for the establishment.

{To believe that dictatorship can be averted by supporting the Democratic Party is to close one’s eyes to reality. The Democrats’ actions are determined not by an abstract devotion to democracy but by the interests of the class that they represent.}

2 more for you to take an inquiring mind towards

{The ruling class knows that it confronts mass social anger that will take an explosive and potentially revolutionary form. This is what imparts to Trump’s actions their frenzied and reckless character. Terrified of the development of social opposition, he sees in every protest and manifestation of opposition the danger of the “radical left” and “socialism.” The growth of working class militancy, already apparent in the wave of strikes, has convinced a substantial section of the ruling class that they have no way out except through violence.}

Forget about Trump I say. For it's the entire establishment we should be fearing. The democrats have also been quite vocally against socialism

{In all countries the same historic laws operate, the laws of capitalist decline. If the means of production remain in the hands of a small number of capitalists, there is no way out for society. It is condemned to go from crisis to crisis, from need to misery, from bad to worse. In the various countries the decrepitude and disintegration of capitalism are expressed in diverse forms and at unequal rhythms. But the basic features of the process are the same everywhere. The bourgeoisie is leading its society to complete bankruptcy. It is capable of assuring the people neither bread nor peace. This is precisely why it cannot any longer tolerate the democratic order. It is forced to smash the workers by the use of physical violence. [Whither France, November 9, 1934]}

What if I told you we are presently at a place where it has to be their place and time to stamp us out now. Right now they have a large part of the populace on their side within the nationalist and white supremacist. That scenario is possibly already playing out for them. Trump just put them on the back burner to incite. Not that I believe many are going to remain there long, if at all. Remember, a number of us have already stated
years ago this round was going to get ugly. I think it's fair to say it has already come to that point? My point being, they aren't going to wait until 3/4 of the nation is in poverty and rebellions are breaking out in large pockets. They're going to act while they still have a majority of the citizenry in a sense of false security remaining compliant. We could wake up at anytime to find the hammer has been put down and everything we have is worthless. If it doesn't come after this election, you better be thinking real hard on how you want to go towards 2024. If we make it that far.

Already looking forward to 2024 "Out Of The Illusion " Group

William_Mary 8 Oct 3
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The Democrats have also approved of about 100 judge picks from Trump since 2018, including some in 2020. I don't know what it's going to take for American voters to see that we have a right wing government, including the Democrats.

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