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The Divided States of America


[Courageous lions of true equality and justice were silenced and replaced with craven opinion leaders on all sides who are paid by the very system that they pretend to be against. Until we realize that we are all getting bamboozled by the industries of grievance that leverage the pains of people to maintain the status quo while never addressing the root causes of social inequalities, we will keep getting a government that treats us as stepping stones—they call us their “base” for a reason after all.]

You'll find the bellow in the link I put in bold above within the initial posted article. Teodrose Fikremariam seen today nearly 2 years ago.

{Barack Obama was not an outlier but the norm when it comes to the tokens who are paraded by Democrats to represent faux-progress and counterfeit diversity. Kamala Harris is the next black bourgeoisie in line who is hoping to use the plight of African-Americans and the tribulations of “black” folk to win the White House. After spending a career locking up brown and “black” folk with impunity and resurrecting the ugly legacy of penal slavery, she is now shamelessly pretending to be the next coming of Sojourner Truth—hers is the audacity of trope.

Given the fact that too many are conditioned to think in binary fashion, I must take a pause here to clarify one thing. This is in no way to excuse the pernicious nature of Republicans and the vile racism of Donald Trump. After all, not only are Republicans insidious when it comes to the way they treat “African-Americans” and minorities as a whole, the party of Trump uses the same playbook of feigned concern to dupe their respective side. However, the more I observe the rank opportunism of the Democrat front-runners, the more I appreciate the sagacity of Malcolm X.

It’s not only politicians like Barack Obama and Kamala Harris who traffic in this most insincere form of paternalism, there is a whole cottage industry of black opinion leaders and gate-keepers who actively work against our interests while passively speaking against injustice. They abound on TV, in the press and throughout social media; the surest way to make a name for oneself is to be a part of the “woke” intelligentsia who lull their people into collective comas.}

[Trump’s very selection, the Russian interference narrative, the Tea Party, the reason why a billionaire funded Black Lives Matter and mainstream media propagated their message and the reason why the establishment keep pushing narratives of conflict is to obfuscate the true reasons why America has been turned into Aspens for the rich and the Appalachians for the rest. When the rich invest money, it is never to alleviate injustices, it is to reap profits by maintaining the status quo. It is easy to see when others are being duped, it is a lot harder to realize when one is being played for a putz. As long as they keep us fixated on separable grievances instead of forming a collective front, we will keep getting shived in our collective backs.

We are so stuck on the trees that we keep missing the forest while hitting each other with branches. As I scroll through social media, all I keep reading are people on the “left” in full glee at the demise of people who voted for Trump. Not to be outdone, the “right” are giving as good as they get as they lambaste anyone who did not vote for their idol. Why do we do this to ourselves? Why must we debase ourselves and offer our backs to be stepped on by the very same people who are stomping on our throats.

Moreover, though it might feel good to revel at your perceived foes, insults and taunts do not change hearts. To the contrary, the more you shame people, the more they remain stuck in their ways. From personal experience, I was able to get a person who once used to be in the KKK to apologize to me not because I demanded it and got in his face but because I told him my struggles and connected with him on an emotional basis. My initial instinct was to cuss him out, but I chose another path and what I witnessed in return was a man because I humanized what he hated in the abstract. This is how change happens, not through a big bang but by one to one conversations that radiate outward block by city block.]

[This was also the same bliss that intoxicated me and millions of Americans when Obama was elected, a few months after he was sworn in, Barack went on to let Citibank choose his cabinet and enriched the same banking criminals that eviscerate our economy while feeding homeowners to the wolves on Wall Street. Not too long from now, the ecstasy that people are feeling due to Biden’s election will give way to the saddening reality that his voters’ loyalty will be rewarded with duplicity and selling their desires down the Potomac river.

I don’t write these things to be a Teddy Downer nor is my aim to lecture people and belittle their thought. After all, it was not too long ago that I was traveling state to state, working for free for the Obama campaign trying to convince any and all who would listen that he was the change we’ve been waiting for and getting into heated debates with others who did not agree with me. Besides, I understand that identity, whether it is race, religion or ideology, are very sensitive issues and asking people to disavow them is like asking Donald Trump to be gracious in defeat.]

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William_Mary 8 Nov 8
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It is indeed so sad that so many believe that there lives will be better under Biden Harris. Indeed we must watch who they appoint as advisors. I remember being shocked by Obama's choices. Goldman Sachs and Wall Street well represented.

Dear me I wrote there rather than their. Tisk, tisk!


I feel like I'm in a movie. I see all the people celebrating like this is some type of real victory. People are praising the Democrats and Biden/Harris. It's sickening. It's the same way it was when people were praising Trump. Yet both sides still think their candidates are some sort of saviors. Nothing will ever change. This is how American politics is going to be until civilization either collapses, politicians decide to enslave everyone or kill us or are more authoritarian, or a black hole swallows our solar system. Even then both sides will be blaming the other while they still praise their own.

What happened to Trump being helped by the Russians? Were the Russians so powerful and competent enough to steal 2016, but not 2020? What happened to Trump being a dictator? Has he shut down the U.S.? Will he stay in the White House and rule over the U.S. despite the election results? Lol The worst person in the world?

The Democrats barely beat someone who they thought was Hitler reincarnated. Someone who "stole" the 2016 election while their own party committed election fraud and/or immoral actions in 2 straight primary elections against Bernie. The Democrats lost seats in the House and didn't take over the Senate. Where was this "blue wave"? More blacks and Latinos voted for Trump in 2020 than they did in 2016.

All of this is a damning account of the Democrats and how bad they are. Or they were just lying with how bad they thought Trump is. Then we have all the Democrats just falling for all the platitudes from Biden/Harris while they ignore both of their pasts and their party's past. I feel like I'm in the Twilight Zone.

I can't stand people who treat politicians like rock stars. Both sides. It's disgusting. Both sides are cultists. I have no hope for us.

Biden gave us the Crime Bill that jailed millions of minorities and perpetuated systemic racism, and he also supported the Iraq War that killed millions. That's just to name 2 things. That's what they're cheering for, but think because Trump was so "bad" that Biden is a savior now.

Humans are so fucking stupid.

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