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Will Others Emulate Shakespeare and Write Great Works During Plague?

Because William Shakespeare wrote some of his greatest works 400 years ago as deadly plagues ravaged London, some literary scholars ponder what great works may emerge out of our current pandemic.

Gee, who knew Covid-19 was not only a deadly disease, but also a literary muse? Of course, some may argue that a new play isn’t really necessary, given that we’ve all been living inside a Shakespearean Tragedy for the past four years.

Anyway, as to what “great works” may emerge out of all this, it’s important to keep in mind that it’s not exactly easy composing a “great masterpiece,” especially when you’re limited to 280 characters.

That said, I’m quite optimistic those QAnon folks will come up with something real soon. In the meantime, I’d settle for a Trump concession speech. And, the funny thing is, it has over 76,000,000 co-authors.


johnnyrobish 8 Nov 11
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love the 76 mil co authors ,so very true

RoyMillar Level 9 Nov 11, 2020

Thanks Roy!


I've written a couple of epics ..epic rants about the the Orange Omeba..been thinking of condensing them into a novel..😳

Charlene Level 9 Nov 11, 2020

would love to read it


Or, perhaps we have another genius out there, using his/her solitary time during lock down to endow the world of science with not one, but two incredible achievements: a new mathematical language that surpasses Calculus or a publication that rivals the Principia ... or, perhaps not, as there could only be one Isaac Newton.

I think there are a lot of modern genuis out there but there work is so over our heads in the scientic fields and even thought we hear of them in Astronomy, medicine , various physics and mathematical and medicine fields there work just not have that effect on us yet .It may take a few hundred years for us humans to get that mind set about them

@RoyMillar Agreed, there are many geniuses, but Isaac Newton's genius was, it must be admitted, unique, and what's more, like Albert Einstein's, was recognized during his lifetime.

@p-nullifidian Agreed but we were just in the very beginnings of the scientific explosion and since in the past nothing really existed that made any sense to the average person ,and there works could be used by everyone in all fields


Concession speech works for me

bobwjr Level 10 Nov 11, 2020

Or a concession tweet?

“It is a very powerful concession speech, so say it is the most powerful, the likes of which was never seen before, so bigly.....”


What makes you think writers are not writing great books during this pandemic?

Only time will tell.

I hope you realize this is satire (lol)

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