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Tennessee Mayor Rejects Mask Mandate Until God Gives Him the OK

Despite coronavirus numbers going through the roof in the area, Mayor Bill Newman of Lincoln County, Tennessee, says he will not approve of any kind of face mask mandate - unless God instructs him to do so.

Well, for “heaven’s” sake! Why doesn’t someone from Lincoln County, who hasn’t completely lost all their marbles to meth or OxyContin, simply head over to the Hallmark Store, pick up a religiously-themed card, scribble “Damn it - Wear a Mask!” on the inside, then sign it “GOD” - and mail it off to this moron?

As for Mayor Newman waiting on God to send him a “sign” to wear face masks, I’m guessing that means Newman doesn’t consider over a quarter million deaths - to be quite enough “sign” for his tastes. One thing’s for certain, God’s sure gonna have to step up his game a bit, if he wants to make an impression on this crowd.

Now, to be completely honest, I’ve personally never quite understood all this red state hostility towards wearing face masks. I mean, one would assume most folks living in red states - would simply jump at the chance to wear a face mask. Why, at the very least, those face masks are gonna hide all their rotten teeth.


johnnyrobish 8 Nov 21
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Better, dress as god and go kick his ass

Canndue Level 8 Nov 21, 2020

Why do people elect these nutballs

bobwjr Level 10 Nov 21, 2020

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