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Michigan Pastor Tells Parishioners to Deliberately Get Covid-19

Michigan pastor Bart Spencer of the Lighthouse Baptist Church, is facing a major backlash following a sermon he recently gave, in which he told his congregation to deliberately contract COVID-19 to “get it over with.” He then added that "Some of you may die, but that's a risk I'm willing to take."

Oh yeah, right! In fact, this reminds me of the time when Jesus saw the leper lying helplessly by the side of the road and, instead of healing him - told everyone in the crowd that they should try and get leprosy also - just to “get it over with.”

You know, it’s kind of funny too because - I always assumed that Christians were supposed to help those in need, not kill them. But - like it or not, it’s apparently all right there in the Bible. No, not the King James version, but the “Trump Bible.”

And, if you act quickly, you can pick up a special edition of the new “Trump Bible,” which now comes with a detailed Trump-to-English translation, designed to make it easier for those who don’t speak fluent Trump to understand.  

That said, I have to admit, I’m still a wee bit concerned. Of course, I’m certainly no doctor or medical expert, but I have a really strong feeling that, if these folks decide to follow through on Pastor Spencer’s advice, there’s a very real danger, that they’ll end up testing positive - for STUPID.


johnnyrobish 8 Dec 6
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This might sound cold coming from a spiritual humanist/agnostic but I don't care if his cult members get the virus and die - not anymore than the pastor himself. Their adults with choices like any of us. Sorry, I do tend to be pro-death.


A risk he is"willing to take."
""Hey, go rob a bank to donate to me. That's a risk I'm willing to take."


Yup, it's a risk HE'S willing to take....go get it, bunkie, then report back to the rest of us!


Let’s risk your life, and, oh wait, everyone you come into contact with....

Canndue Level 8 Dec 6, 2020


Charlene Level 9 Dec 6, 2020

I tell you, the Darwin Award field is crowded these days.

Theresa_N Level 8 Dec 6, 2020

Lock that asshole up

bobwjr Level 10 Dec 6, 2020

Lock them all up in their own crowded cell to share their contaminations. Or -- just stuff them in a church for a few hour sermon - that should work too. They should have a three day cuddly Christian Woodstock.

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