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Pastor Cries And Begs God To Make Trump President Again

During a livestream broadcast earlier this week, Trump-loving televangelist Pastor Robert Henderson, who earlier this year had claimed his prayers had caused the death of Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg - this time cried and begged God that he was “petitioning the courts of heaven” to overturn the 2020 election, so that Donald Trump “shall be reseated as President of the United States of America.”

So, Pastor Henderson’s been claiming his prayers were responsible for Justice Ginsburg’s death? Well then, Pastor Henderson - you’re under arrest, for the murder of Ruth Bader Ginsburg. You have the right to remain silent - but of course, as we all know, there’s a fat chance that’ll ever happen.

And now, to top things off, you’ve been petitioning God to overturn the entire 2020 US election results? Now, I’m certainly no lawyer or legal scholar, but isn’t that called soliciting a non-citizen to interfere in the US election process?

But, all that aside, his petition may be just a tad bit too late. For you see, word on the street has it - God is already on Christmas break and won’t be back until well after the first of the year. Well gee, then what’s a greedy, manipulative pastor to do? I don’t think Santa handles political requests.

Hey, I’ve got a great idea. How about Pastor Henderson fast until January 20, 2021? Hell, if fasting over Christmas doesn’t impress God, I don’t know what will? In the meantime, a very well-fed rest of us, will be sending out our “Thoughts and Prayers” to the good pastor and his loyal flock.


johnnyrobish 8 Dec 24
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In 2016 god put tRump in charge they would say. Well, if they believed that, they should accept that god took him away as well. But, alas hypocrites don't reason.


My atheism was once again confirmed when I prayed for all theses morons to disappear and they didn’t.

Rudy1962 Level 9 Dec 24, 2020

Haha - perfect!


So when “god” doesn’t answer his prayers, does he admit it’s all a scam?


Moron can't face reality

bobwjr Level 10 Dec 24, 2020

Neither can his followers

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