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Evidently in polls of the European public, many say they'll never trust Amerika again after tRump. The end of the Amerikan empire?

Theresa_N 8 Jan 19
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Can’t blame them. I’m not sure I’ll ever trust America again, and I’m American

Rudy1962 Level 9 Jan 20, 2021

But secretly most are probably glad, sanity has returned.

JackPedigo Level 9 Jan 19, 2021

This was to be expected. I don’t blame any other Country for not trusting the US again after 74.2 million idiots helped put him in office!


Many say that?

How many? Randomly asked? Etc.

I’m not surprised; I don’t trust American foreign policy.

yvilletom Level 8 Jan 19, 2021

Polls are generally random. A small population (several thousand at least I would hope) of Europeans. I know they had German and French. I think those in Great Britain would be skeptical of Americans now that we encouraged the disaster that Brexit is turning out to be.


Never is a long time.

Americans said the same of Germany in 1945 but in 2020 they're the good guys.
Americans have to accept facts and learn to distinguish between truth and lies.
Americans are dying for lack of education because they spent their tuition money on guns.
Americans are dying from poverty because Capitalism is based on Slavery, even if it's "just" wage slavery.
If all American income were divided evenly per individual then every American would receive a salary of over $150,000 a year, and if all American savings were equally divided every American would be worth about $800,000 dollars.
Rich Americans are convinced the Constitution is there to protect their right to own everything, justice and fairness be damned.
When we try to help Americans, government gives tax breaks to the Rich, and when they give out handouts the bulk goes to corporations, who just pocket it all and it's never seen by the impoverished.
People earning over $100,000 a year think they're the rich because it's necessary for the actual rich to get them to play along or the delusion will be broken and the entire system will collapse.

This is the Second Great Age of the American Robber Barons.

The first age was silenced by the New Deal and fair Taxation of the obscenely wealthy at 90% of their income, and the scoundrels still got richer, look at Howard Hughes. But that was as always not enough for the profoundly wealthy. They hired an actor named Reagan in 1980 to plant the idea that taxes on the filthy rich was wrong and it would cause people to become frustrated and give up on getting rich.

We have to fix income inequality by raising wealth income taxes back to a civilization sustaining level of at least 80% on the top 0.03% and provide FREE education for grades K through PhD.
It has been a 60 year frustration to always be the smartest person in the room but never having an opportunity to get the academic qualifications necessary to get a position to be able to actually help build the civilization that my fellow humans deserve in the near future.

Financial geniuses, aren't geniuses. Economic geniuses are, try listening to some Robert Reich former Secretary of Labor for Bill Clinton, the only administration that EVER balanced the budget.

Great analysis and nicely documented.

@Krish55 Thanks, it's been a bee in my bonnet since Ron Paul was pushing for a flat tax of 10% in the name of fairness. I worked it out, that's not enough to keep the freeway system operational, much less a military, or public schools. The only solution short of wealth redistribution is a progressive tax system. You know, like when America was Great.



Why should they? I don’t trust it either and I live here. Between the idiots who voted for him, the ones who denied he lost, the insurrectionists and the anti maskers, it’s a banana republic!

Which " Banana Republic" is that idiotic and has a significant population that is fascist? Using 3rd world terms as a reference point for what is bad is not accurate. Rampaging white mobs have a long history in America. No need to make inaccurate comparisons about brown-skined countries. These comparisons are racist when you really examine them.

Ask not where the shit hole countries are, the shit hole country is us.


Trust must be earned....we’ll get back there in time

Canndue Level 8 Jan 19, 2021

I agree, trust must be earned. But, will we get there? Too many trumpanzies and trumplites st till have enough power to mess with shit. Not to mention, the US is a waning power as it is, aside from our bloated military.

@Beowulfsfriend time will tell, think how well off we would be if military budget were cut in half! It would still be bigger than our next competitor.

China is poised to rule the world within 20 years...

@Canndue Hopefully China becomes less repressive and more of a democracy. Hard to say if they will though, they seem to have mastered being a superpower without any encumbrances such as socialist ideals.

@Canndue I agree. We have two huge unguarded borders and have no worries about being invaded from the outside - although, come on Canada. We surrender.
Seriously, and I speak having been in the military, we could easily reduce the budget 25 percent and be just fine.


No a renewal of status

bobwjr Level 10 Jan 19, 2021
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