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Trump Hires Two New Attorneys After His Entire Legal Team Quits

After former President Donald Trump and his entire legal team abruptly parted ways a little over a week before his February 9th trial, due to his insistence on arguing the 2020 election was stolen from him, Donald Trump announced that attorneys David Schoen and Bruce Castor will now head up his legal team for his second impeachment trial.

Wow, first he tells aides not to pay Rudy’s legal fees, and now his entire impeachment legal team quits on him? Hell, if he keeps this nonsense up, about the only legal representation he’ll be able to find - will be LegalZoom.

Of course, Trump being Trump, he naturally thinks he’s “twice as smart as anyone else,” so if he is forced to testify, expect him to try to “take the tenth” - not the “fifth.” After all, “taking a fifth,” sounds more like something alcoholics would do, not big-shot billionaires.

One thing’s for sure, you can bet Trump’s impeachment trial is gonna be pure chaos, Why, this s**t show ought to make “Animal House” look like a Bible study class. Which, could be a good defense strategy - that is, if Trump weren’t too stupid, to actually follow a strategy.

That said, I can’t believe he’s still insisting on using that old “the election was stolen” defense again. I mean, there’ve been over 60 court rulings against him on the matter. Why, the guy has to be completely insane. Which kind of makes me wonder, if all other legal avenues fail - are psychopaths allowed to plead insanity?


johnnyrobish 8 Feb 1
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Time will tell where this trump shit show will end.


The bitch is he could hire a kindergarten kid and win. The gutless republicans revere party over country.

Canndue Level 8 Feb 1, 2021

He has repeatedly said that the courts have not specifically ruled against him as to whether or not the election was stolen....rather, they have essentially just refused to hear the case at all - no merit, no standing, etc etc. In his warped mind, he believes they are side stepping - which reaffirms his belief - its a very twisted type of thinking but very common in people who twist and bend the rules to suit their needs. As to the lawyers bailing on him - they suspect that they will end up getting stiffed $$$$$ and/or coming out of this with their reputations quite tarnished. I think the two that have just signed up see this as their way to go down in the history books for having challenged some part of the constitution that has never before been either way, it will be a history making event and they will get their "15 minutes" simply by having been a part of it. All political theater.....

Lavergne Level 8 Feb 1, 2021

And they expect to get paid lol! If

bobwjr Level 10 Feb 1, 2021

OJ, Cosby, Epstein, Flinn and Bannon all had legal teams that didn't walk out a week before trial. How bad do you have to be to keep losing lawyers?

glennlab Level 10 Feb 1, 2021

Seems, according to reports, those that left didn't want to be part of just chanting "it was a rigged election and tRump was cheated" as their defense method. Trump wants no, nor needs any defense as said above. tRump only wants a platform from which to shout out his lies.

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