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Tucker Carlson’s Racist White Replacement Theory Stirs Controversy

Fox News host Tucker Carlson is causing quite an uproar over recently promoting the old racist, anti-Semitic, neo-fascist, conspiratorial “white replacement theory” on his highly-rated Fox News show, adding that leftists are “trying to replace the current electorate” with “more obedient voters from the Third World.”

Gee, is it just me, or does there seem to be an awful lot of “whine supremacy” in Tucker Carlson's “white supremacy” rants these days? And, to further add to his woes, it was just announced that a Japanese guy has replaced a white guy as the new Masters golf champion.

Anyway, I get that Tucker’s really, really concerned that he’s gonna be replaced by immigrants. Of course, while I’m certainly no pollster, I suspect there’s one helluva lot of people out there who’d be absolutely thrilled if Tucker Carlson got replaced by an immigrant.

Now, not to be overly critical, but let’s get real here - if your party’s entire electoral strategy completely depends on making sure fewer that people get to vote, it just might be an indication that both your party and its policies - really suck.

And - if that’s the case, then no wonder Tucker always has that annoyed, pissed-off look all over that great big, bloated, privileged face of his every night. Frankly, I don’t think immigrant voting is Tucker’s real problem. I think it’s pretty obvious that all Tucker really needs - is a more powerful laxative.


johnnyrobish 8 Apr 12
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So you expect Democratic thought out of a pandering, slobbering White Supremacist sycophant?

Charlene Level 9 Apr 12, 2021

Why does he get the time of day? Seems like political bullshit should be forced to show a disclaimer warning:
Something like “ not healthy for pregnant women and other living creatures”

Canndue Level 8 Apr 12, 2021

Republicans are trying to build an apartheid state.


He is certainly full of it.

glennlab Level 10 Apr 12, 2021
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