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One very obviously bad police officer finally faces justice for a cold blooded killing in front of witnesses who recorded the whole thing.

It's a good thing, but I hope it's not just an isolated victory. I hope it's a signal of larger change. Real national police reform. No more "David Grossman" cops!

OldWiseAss 7 Apr 20
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It's an isolated victory. It only happened because someone recorded the whole thing. Most of the time there is not a recording like this, in the future it will usually end up being the cop's word against the bystander's and in those cases, the cop always walks. Even in this case, without the video, the cop's word would have trumped that of all the bystander witnesses.

I have the same fear. I hope we're wrong.


This should scare police officers for the time being if the punishment fits the crime. Hopefully it will. The future will depend on whether appeals lessen his punishment and give the police good reason to continue their murders in the knowledge that they will never really serve any sentence handed down to them.

The verdict might reflect the need to save the city from destruction rather any concern for a black man. I really hope the jury were only concerned with justice.

brentan Level 8 Apr 20, 2021

You are correct, more need to be held responsible.

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