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Black soldiers were harrassed by a white woman at an IHOP. A total WTF. She even threatened other patrons who tried to intervene. Some of it is on video. She supposedly put money on their table to pay for theid food, then came back and claimed they took her money. When the soldiers left, they immediately went to their base and to their superiors, with a video.


Beowulfsfriend 9 Apr 26
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Typical Karen, just a little nuttier than most.


Hope this “Karen” is found and dealt with, meaning her life will be turned upside down and her racist bigotry will be shown to the world! Come on internet, go get this racist bitch!


Full blown racist privileged cunt

bobwjr Level 10 Apr 26, 2021

Looks like mental illness to me.

BD66 Level 8 Apr 26, 2021

And hatred of a race

@Beowulfsfriend She started off paying for their meal, then she came back and took some of the money back. If she hated Black people, why would she pay for their meal to begin with. She's just nuts.

@BD66 unless she planned on setting them up. I am pretty cynical of people in general.

@Beowulfsfriend Sounds like a set up


Nope, it’s straight up racist bigotry.


Obviously way too much caffeine! Plus a lack of decency, brain cells & common sense. At least we have the video & I hope she is outed & doxxed.

phxbillcee Level 10 Apr 26, 2021

I keep wondering if she was trying to set them up.

@Beowulfsfriend It does seem that way. Puts down $30, comes back, takes back $24, comes back & accuses them of theft. Seriously disturbed woman, & I still hope she's outed!

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