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DeSantis Signs Law Banning Democracy


(Warning: Satire (sorta) ahead)

phxbillcee 10 May 6
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Only people who are going to vote for trump should be allowed to vote.

That's what they're trying for...

@phxbillcee Let us hope they do not succeed. Perhaps people will smarten up and they will vote all these people out of office. I think people know what Democracy actually is and for sure these people do not.


Fascist Floridastan..

Charlene Level 9 May 6, 2021

Would if he could

bobwjr Level 10 May 6, 2021

And, it was a fox exclusive, so no local Florida news was there.

I could almost believe that!

@phxbillcee It is true, they weren't let in. Some weren't very happy.

@Beowulfsfriend Are you talking about the new "Protest" laws? This particular story is Satire & no such actual Bill," banning democracy", actually happened.

@Beowulfsfriend Tho I admit, that "anti-protest" law comes damn close.

@phxbillcee the actual signing of his new anti vote law that the article takes aim

@Beowulfsfriend Either are fairly "anti-democracy", imo.

Shit no they do not want their own people to know about this, it might seem undemocratic.

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