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Israeli airstrike on Gaza claims eight young cousins


phxbillcee 10 May 15
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Its the people who suffer....especially girls under Islamic rule. Then there are the heretics, trans gendered, gays, thought criminals, which do not fare well in GAZA even during the ceasefires.

Mooolah Level 8 May 18, 2021

HAMAS is a terrorist organization. It has the Palestinian Authority by the short hair. (Free & fair elections?) Young male hotheads fired first as usual. They hope to keep Israel in a state of permanent war. As the Taliban hoes to keep us permanently militarily engaged in Afghanistan. The people of GAZA are the ones who suffer the most.

Mooolah Level 8 May 15, 2021

Hamas is fighting in its own territory against an occupier. The Germans occupiers also called the the French Resistance terrorists.

@Krish55 The Germans were the terrorists just as HAMAS is. Radical Islam is HAMAS. Jordan is Palestine as the colonialists designated these arbitrary boundaries. 98% of Jordan ID as "Palestinians". This was apparent during the attempted coup against a KING. Israel is the only viable democracy in the region. I am no fan of Bibi. But I have a different view of the problem.

@Mooolah Isreal is is a Theocratic Only recognizes Judaism, it only accepts Jews as refugees or immigrants. It forces Palestinians out of their Homes and Off Their Lands cause Yahweh said they Could..
They're treating Palestinians the exact same way We treat and Treated Native Americans.
I wonder what you would do if Evangelicals attempted to Force You and family Out and Off your Land..

@Charlene When Jordan held Jerusalem, Judaics were not permitted to pray at the Wailing Wall. Under Israel's control, all religions are free to practice. Except maybe Scientology. This is a result of the vestiges of colonialism. Ottoman, Brits, Israel, Jordan. The boundaries have changed since millennia. Personally I think Danzig should have been Israel 2. The Poles owed the Judaics sanctuary & an autonomous country. Anyway it is the Judaics land as well as the diaspora will attest. They are Abrahemic cousins. Anyway the Palestinian Authority should have excepted the 2 state solution. But they reject everything in order to keep the war a constant. Not a fan of Hamas hot head macho anti gay women oppressors.

@Mooolah ...ahhh, any lands within Poland, U.S.S.R circa 1938, where divided between Nazi Germany and the USSR. ANY Judaic "lands" no longer existed.I am no fan of Hamas, but your statement claim the P.A rejected the 2 State solution is total Bullshit, it in fact was Isreal under Netanyahu and his right-wing party that rejected it. You can turn a blind eye to atrocities committed by Isreal, but I refuse to do so..

@Mooolah Resistance to occupation is permitted under International law and is not terrorism. If we had supported the secular PLO, Hamas would not have emerged due to Palestinian frustration. If fact, Israel helped the growth of the early Hamas to weaken the PLO, but now regrets doing so.

@Krish55 The 6 Day War resulted in the taking of Gaza. Israel pulled out in 2005 only to receive HAMA missiles in 2007. Gaza is not occupied. It belongs to Israel tho I am sure they don't want it. & Israel has a right to defend itself as a sovereign nation. Christians, Moslems & Judaics are all permitted to practice under Israel's control. []

@Charlene May I just say that considering your background, I would think you would prefer the treatment Israel would afford you compared to how. Islamic HAMAS
GAZA Port Authority would treat you. I believe you would not survive HAMAS detention. The only democracy in the area might permit you survival.

@Mooolah @Charlene

  1. The issue of who has the nicer culture is irrelevant to the question of who has a right to the land.

  2. 150 years ago, a white woman would be safer and have more opportunities in her own white settler culture in America than on an Indian reservation. Does this mean that taking Indian land was justified?

  3. Forty years ago, a white woman would be safer and have more opportunities in her own white neighborhood in South Africa than in a black township. Does this mean that Apartheid was justified.

  4. Now, rape is a big problem in South African townships. Alcoholism and abuse is a big problem on our Indian reservations. Crime is a big problem in our black ghettoes. Are these cultures inherently defective? No, you are merely pointing to the symptoms of oppression.

  5. In the case of Gaza, the dysfunctions caused by oppression comes out as religious radicalization.

  6. This Islamic radicalization is a radicalization that was initially aided by Israel. Hamas did not always exist. The secular PLO used to be the sole unchallenged voice of the Palestinians. But as the ethnic cleansing and oppression grew, some Palestinians turned to religion. There are Israelis who acknowledge aiding the growth of Hamas so that it would weaken the power of the PLO. Now, they regret what they have reaped.

  7. But racists such as you like to claim that the besieged natives have an inherently defective culture.

  • Moolah, Your displacement of blame is merely a way of washing your hands of the blood that is dripping from the atrocities that Israel commits with your $3.8 billion a year.

It's time to Stop coddling the Israeli government and cut funding them and their wars on Palestinians. And Joe, Close Our fucking Embassy in Jerusalem..

Charlene Level 9 May 15, 2021

We need to quit funding the Islamic radicals not Israel. .

@Trajan61 so says the the Rethug Drumpf supporter..seems you and your ilk support throwing kids in cages and killing 557k Americans..cause "THE Donaaald"


I wish Bibi could be bombed out of existence!


Netanyahu found a way to stay in power and avoid court for his lesser crimes. He won't be held responsible here either.


Any excuse they want to kill

bobwjr Level 10 May 15, 2021

Hamas started it by firing rockets and they deserve to be crushed!


Religious psychopaths strike again! The Hebrew scam that god gave jews that land and they are just killing the people who are in their way like it says in their fairy tale book should have been exposed ages ago.

& our xtian psycopaths here just love it. As far as they are concerned, the crazier it gets there the closer to Armageddon & the Second Coming.

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