4 10

Asking a Palestinian to say:
"Israel has a Right to Exist"
is like asking the Slave to say:
"The Plantation has a right to Exist"

Both institutions are inherently destructive to the person asked!
There will be peace when Israel is forced to give up Zionism.

Krish55 8 May 21
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The Jews have forever had a problem with integration. Persecution is a major theme of their existence and survival. Why are they so vilified? Much is said about antisemitism, but doesn't explain why the hate is so intense and ongoing. The Jews are a tribe, a family and they set themselves apart with that and their culture and ritual. Most Jews these days are secular, but still seem to hang on to the claim of being "different". As has been pointed out by such as Hitchens, there will never be peace in the Middle East because the powers that be have put a veto on it by promising the same real estate to both claimants. Israel is a moral conundrum. GROG

GROG Level 6 May 22, 2021

I think their covenant with their god to be 'a nation of kings and priests' set them apart from everyone else. Before Christianity, it seemed to be a case of a small country being dominated by empires but never losing its sense of its own importance. Christianity gave the Jews the vilification for being the killers of Christ. I think you're right about Jews always feeling different; special even though many have no faith in the old covenant anymore. Perhaps someone Jewish here might explain it.


They will keep spinning those centrifuges, they will bide their time. They laugh at election cycles.

NHwoodsman Level 4 May 21, 2021

Palestine has no centrifugues

@Krish55 yes I know that, they barely have potable water. There really ain't no Palestine I think, not much anyway. Rough life all over the place over there, some places over here too,


If Israel gave up their nation and everyone there left for the lands they originally came from the US backed by Evangelical Christianity would invade, kill all the newcomers, declare Israel a sovereign state and pay any Jews they could find to move back to Israel.
Evangelical Christians hate Jews and like the idea of them all being a world away, and they love Israel because some ignorant goat herder in the bronze age wrote that God said he would bless those that bless Israel and curse those that curse Israel and Evangelicals will prostitute themselves for a blessing from God especially if it gets innocent people killed.
Jokes on them, if God ever existed he cursed Israel so many times in the same book that he destroyed himself a couple of thousand years ago.


The evangelicals get all hot and bothered everytime there is violence or war threatens. The idiots believe Armageddon will start there, and they want it. One group of evangelicals in Texas went there to try and breed the perfect red bull - something about that being a precursor to the world's end.

@Beowulfsfriend Yep, the "Red heifer" Christian Texans, who would argue with a mall map, have taken up the study of genetics so if breeding doesn't make the needed cow they think they could GMO the fucking thing. Again, idiots, I hope they succeed in making the cow just so when they kill it and nothing happens they might glimpse their foolishness.

@Beowulfsfriend The stupid of evangelicals in Texas is off the page!


There will never be peace.

KateOahu Level 8 May 21, 2021 long as the West and whites paralyzed about anti-Semitism continue doing nothing about Israel's Apartheid.

The South African civil war ended when we quit supporting Apartheid there.

One main source of the problem lies in US support for Israel.

@Krish55 We cannot solve the divisions in our own country; what makes you believe we can solve them in others?


We promote those divisions by arming Israel and supplying it with 3.8 billion a year. This enables Israel to impose Apartheid and to ethnically cleanse Palestinians.

What makes you think we are some sort of neutral party to this conflict? Ending the aid would go a long way towards ending the conflict.

@Krish55 You assume too much. I do not think we are a neutral party. I agree that we promote those divisions, the same as we promote them in this country. I agree that we SHOULD end aid. But I do NOT believe we WILL do anything to change things. I do not believe speaking out will change anything. I do not believe demonstrating will change anything. I, and millions of others in this country, have been speaking out for almost 57 years, since I was 15 years old and marched for equal rights. Nothing has really changed. Politicians rule the world and, with very few exceptions, only rich people can afford to become politicians. WHY won’t world leaders do anything to change things? Because people are greedy. Because rich people make money on war. Especially war in countries not their own. Unless somebody either provides the Palestinians with the same tools we have sold to Israel, nothing is going to change because the Palestinians sure can’t afford to buy it. There are enough resources to solve the problems of hunger and homelessness. There is enough knowledge to solve the problems of education, global warming and war. But none of those problems will be solved because rich people cannot make money on solved problems. Just like doctors don’t make money on healthy people. (Don’t EVEN get me started on that!). Unless there is some catastrophic event that forces the people of the world to work together, NOTHING will ever be “Solved” before humans become extinct. Let us HOPE that aliens from outside our solar system DO exist, and that they visit us soon.

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