My my. What a difference some Congressional and public outrage can do to a narrative.
Now, the Palestinians are being referred to in terms of "equal" to Isrealites by the American government. And this is being said in public, to media.
A two state solution is now being supported by the US.
I don't even really know what to say about this other than I hope it's more than lip-service.
It isn't like the US has not been proposing this for decades by every White House but Trumps. The Right Wing in Israel is always the ones who kill it.
@SeaGreenEyez We will see. With the turnout in the last midterms I am hopeful the Dems will pick up more Senate seats. Even a couple would make a big difference. I am keeping my fingers crossed that McConnell's stubbornness in giving the people what they want will drive people to the poles.
All rights of return disarm both sides Jerusalem an international city of Atheists AND all faiths
I don't see us sending any defense arms to Palestine..
That would violate Israel's embargo (which is of absolute necessity to keep terrorists, Hamas, from having weapons to kill hated Jews with). The sorrow for those poor, suffering, Pal's (who vote for Hamas, the terrorists, so one can presume wants a terrorist govt) is astonishing.
@SeaGreenEyez Most of that money is to replenish Iron Dome, which repelled thousands of Hamas rockets, so Israel doesn't look like Gaza does now.
Posted by William_MaryA symptom of perception management. The program was completed when the vast amount of the American citizenship became compliant to the delivery of MSM information. []
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