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LINK Pulitzer Board Recognizes Darnella Frazier For Recording George Floyd's Murder with Honorary Pulitzer: NPR

This is the best news story in a very long time.

So so so deserved. 💜💜💜💜💜

(*Just imagine Trump throwing his temper tantrum over this. 🤣🤣🤣 Smashing his golden toilet, hitting his wife and kicking the cat. Absolutely delicious!!!!!!!!)

SeaGreenEyez 9 June 11
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Well deserved! Citizen Journalist.

barjoe Level 9 June 12, 2021

I understand it was an honorary award because she was not working as journalist and therefore did not qualify for a regular award.

mcgeo52 Level 8 June 12, 2021


What/who is "dumb"??? Oh,wait, you were looking in the mirror......


Yeah, why is it an honorary Pulitzer?

The Pulitzer is for working Journalsts Only, it is a Huge honor to be included as a non-journalist

@AnneWimsey From their submission guidelines:

"Are freelance journalists eligible?

Freelance reporters, photographers, cartoonists, columnists, critics or bloggers who produce work in print or online can enter the competition if their submitted work has been published by eligible newspapers, magazines or news sites during the calendar year. Freelancers have won Pulitzer Prizes."

@JeffMurray she is Nota Freelancer" has never "submitted work" (operative word WORK, you have to been paid for your work at some point! Why is this so hard to understand?

@AnneWimsey What's hard to understand is that these rules you're citing (which I couldn't find in writing on their website by the way) are arbitrary and stupid. That seems like a distinction without a difference to me. To claim that simply because she didn't get paid for her recording means the group that sets the rules and gives out the prizes can't make an adjustment to their own arbitrary rules. So if one organization offered her $1 to use her footage (which I don't know she didn't get paid at all) that would make all the difference and classify her as a freelancer? Give me a break. Also, are you telling me that freelancers aren't freelancers unless they've been paid? Is that one payment good forever? Or does it only last for a month? A year? Furthermore, she kind of did get paid if you ask me. She's made $709,000 as a direct result of her recording.


It was an incredibly brave thing to do in those horrible circumstances, incredible!

AnneWimsey Level 9 June 11, 2021

It should be a full Pulitzer, his murder caused the change, She made it History..

Charlene Level 9 June 11, 2021
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