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WATCH: Maryland cops brutalize teens for vaping on boardwalk


phxbillcee 10 June 14
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"To Protect & Serve" turns into "Baseless Confrontation & Harm"

AnneWimsey Level 9 June 14, 2021

That's pretty bad. They ASKed him to remove his backback, then when he moved his hand to do as asked they tased him. WTF?!?!
I'm starting to wonder if police training includes ways to ensure this sort of out come occurs.
There was the incident of the army officer who was flashed by the cops on a dark road. He slowed, put on turn signals/flashers (as explained in driving manuals) and pulled into a well lit area. The cops want to see his hands but then demand his ID and he tries to asked which set of instructions and his concern and they taze him anyway, abuse him further once he is out of the car.


It looks like the policing problem is more than a few bad apples, but when you leave bad apples in the barrel, you end up with an entire barrel of bad apples. Based on the video, I would call that an excessive use of force and official oppression.

glennlab Level 10 June 14, 2021


Charlene Level 9 June 14, 2021

More asshole cops throwing their egos around!


Ocean City Maryland is on the Eastern shore very conservative. Their representative is a Trumper Andy Harris, that's the area of the underground railroad where Harriet Tubman was a slave about 35 miles north of there . Since some of them were black, no surprise

bobwjr Level 10 June 14, 2021

What would they do to someone smoking a real cigarette?

BD66 Level 8 June 14, 2021
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