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New Book Details Trump’s Plan to Send People Stricken with COVID to Gitmo

A new book by two Washington Post reporters, claims that former President Donald Trump, eager to suppress coronavirus numbers on US soil which he felt made him look bad politically, suggested sending COVID-positive Americans to Guantánamo Bay. The former President reportedly startled aides when he asked "Don't we have an island we own? What about Guantánamo?”

Now, for those of you who pretend to be soooo concerned about his plan, it’s important to remember it could have been a helluva lot worse. Why, Trump could have tried to send these poor souls off to Cleveland, knowing full well that a good many Cleveland residents actually ask to be sent to Gitmo each year. By the way, didn’t Donald Trump actually have COVID-19? So, why the hell didn’t we send him to GITMO - or Cleveland? Must have been an oversight.

Meanwhile, a lot of people are quick to point out that the Obama Administration actually did have a plan in place to deal with a pandemic, but the Trump people just trashed it. OK, so maybe they did, but let’s not forget that folks like Donald Trump - don’t do plans. They do exactly what Jesus would have done. You remember, like the time when Jesus told his disciples to “get these sick bastards the hell outta here. I wanna play some golf.”

Anyway, I’ve been thinking about his scheme to “send COVID-infected people down to Gitmo” and frankly, I think I’ve got a better idea. Instead of sending them to Gitmo, why not just put them up in Trump’s Washington DC Hotel? Hell, hardly anyone ever stays there and besides, nearly all of the units were only purchased to launder Russian mob money anyway. Why, you could even set up a vendor selling vials of Hydroxychloroquine as patients enter through the lobby. Now, you don’t see your Dr. Fauci offering healthcare solutions like that, do ya?


johnnyrobish 8 June 22
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Or, send them to Mar-A-Largo.
But, of course, if they went to GITMO, they would not count in the U.S's numbers.

BirdMan1 Level 8 June 23, 2021

Nothing about this man surprises me.

KateOahu Level 8 June 22, 2021

I wonder if that is what Hitler was thinking when he rounded up the Jews and sent them to the camps, Germany not having any islands to dispose of people that might make him look bad.

SnowyOwl Level 8 June 22, 2021

Idiot in chief .

GEGR Level 7 June 22, 2021

I missed reading your posts while I was on the road, good

glennlab Level 10 June 22, 2021

Thank you Glenn

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