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Biden mocks pro-gun supporters who still think they can overrun the U.S. government with assault rifles.


UrsiMajor 8 June 24
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Far more likely to hurt/kill themselves & their compadres.......

AnneWimsey Level 9 June 25, 2021

The gang the couldn't shoot straight


Once they realize that the opposition has live ammo, better training, a true chain of command, and far superior weapons most will just shit their pants and go home. Having been in a war, they really don't want to see one up close. There is a reason for all the PTSD in former combat soldiers.

glennlab Level 10 June 24, 2021

In reality though, might they? I don't really think they could overrun it, but I think they would put up a good fight simply because the government won't want to be seen bringing in tanks snd dropping bombs on US citizens. They will be using the least necessary force and I think would use the local police for as long as possible. Note: I am in no way a gun nut, and would only buy a gun if i had to protect myself from gun nut. Checkout the podcast It Could Happen Here, the last episode How the American people can beat the US military

@Druvius oh for sure, and I'm definitely not in favor of unfettered gun rights.


For a long time now, I have pointed out that “preppers” are fooling themselves. If the government wants whatever the hell they are hoarding, there is no way they can prevent the government from getting it.

KateOahu Level 8 June 24, 2021
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