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Trump Organization Removes Weisselberg From Leadership at Dozens of Subsidiaries

According to corporate filings in the United States and Scotland, the Trump Organization has removed former chief financial officer Allen Weisselberg from his leadership roles at more than 40 Trump subsidiary companies, after his indictment on 15 felony counts - including “grand larceny and tax fraud.”

Well, with Weisselberg gone, I guess the next logical step would be bring MyPillow guy Mike Lindell in to run things. I mean, what other fool would wanna jump into this mess, unless you’re really into orange jumpsuits? And, who better than Mike Lindell to get that cash flow rolling again? Of course, it’ll all be laundered Russian mob money, but who cares - when it’s all off the books anyway?

That said, you’ve really gotta hand it to this Allen Weisselberg chap. This dude really knows how to make things happen! I mean, he’s gonna go from living “rent-free” in a Trump company apartment, to living “rent-free” in a jail cell. Of course, if he does ever find he needs some solid legal advice, I believe Rudy Giuliani might be available - assuming you can find a place where Rudy can still practice law.

Anyway, all these indictments have some analysts wondering if this “could finally signal the end of the infamous Trump Organization?” After all, who’d ever wanna be associated with such a corrupt outfit? Oh wait…I guess that would be other criminals! Makes you wonder though, just how these Trump folks are able to handle all this “winning?”

So, it appears Allen Weisselberg is all set to become the Trump Organization’s new official “fall guy.” Meanwhile, we have Trump proclaiming in his best Nathan Hale voice, “I only regret that I have but one bus to throw my sycophants under.” That said, I can’t help but wonder if Weisselberg had gone with TurboTax instead of doing Trump’s taxes himself, maybe he wouldn’t be in this mess in the first place.


johnnyrobish 8 July 13
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Well, that could give the jackass motivation to flip.

BirdMan1 Level 8 July 14, 2021

Heard trump say “Allen who? Never met the guy…”

Canndue Level 8 July 13, 2021

Isn't he old enough to take advantage of AARP's free tax services?

AnneWimsey Level 9 July 13, 2021

And trump Jr. has been put in charge of everything that Weisselburg used to run! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

That ought to go well😂

@Canndue yeah, what could possibly go wrong with a coke head running things!!! 🤣🤣🤣

Surely, you jest?


They throw everyone under the bus

bobwjr Level 10 July 13, 2021
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