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The more things change, the more they remain the same

glennlab 10 July 14
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bobwjr Level 10 July 14, 2021

Smallpox and Covid-19 are completely different.
It's amazing people would be against smallpox vaccinations.

BD66 Level 8 July 14, 2021

Depends on what trump thinks.

They were against them for over a century,(1796-...)

As vaccination spread, some European countries made it compulsory. Concern about its safety led to opposition and then repeal of legislation in some instances.[70][71] Compulsory infant vaccination was introduced in England by the 1853 Vaccination Act. By 1871, parents could be fined for non-compliance, and then imprisoned for non-payment.[72] This intensified opposition, and the 1898 Vaccination Act introduced a conscience clause. This allowed exemption on production of a certificate of conscientious objection signed by two magistrates. Such certificates were not always easily obtained and a further Act in 1907 allowed exemption by a statutory declaration which could not be refused. Although theoretically still compulsory, the 1907 Act effectively marked the end of compulsory infant vaccination in England.[73]

In the United States vaccination was regulated by individual states, the first to impose compulsory vaccination being Massachusetts in 1809. There then followed sequences of compulsion, opposition and repeal in various states. By 1930 Arizona, Utah, North Dakota and Minnesota prohibited compulsory vaccination, 35 states allowed regulation by local authorities, or had no legislation affecting vaccination, whilst in ten states, including Washington, D.C. and Massachusetts, infant vaccination was compulsory.[74] Compulsory infant vaccination was regulated by only allowing access to school for those who had been vaccinated.[75] Those seeking to enforce compulsory vaccination argued that the public good overrode personal freedom, a view supported by the U.S. Supreme Court in Jacobson v. Massachusetts in 1905, a landmark ruling which set a precedent for cases dealing with personal freedom and the public good

I can't believe that anyone is against the covid vaccine.

@glennlab Here's a good article comparing Covid-19 with smallpox: []

@glennlab Thanks for the very thorough explanation.
So, those western "Macho" states were that dumb even then!

@BirdMan1 yup


It is sad that we don't learn from history. Especially our own history. It is especially sad when half our country hates to hear any argument based in historical context. They seem to be allergic to facts and context.

t1nick Level 8 July 14, 2021

Yes, like the fool who declared "I'm through with fox News," after hearing there that Biden won the election.

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