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McCarthy’s House Republicans Will Investigate Capitol Riot Themselves

After House Speaker Nancy Pelosi rejected House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy’s selection of Jim Banks and Jim Jordan (two 2020 election deniers) to be on the select committee to investigate the January 6 Capitol Hill riot, House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy withdrew all his committee nominations and said Republicans will instead run their own separate probe into the matter.

Wow, gotta admit, this McCarthyism phenomenon seems to become more interesting, with each new incarnation. And hell, while they’re at it, a committee with such stellar credentials as this new McCarthy committee has, shouldn’t just limit itself to investigating the Jan 6th insurrection. Why, they should also consider investigating other things Americans still want answers to, like whether or not Haley Joel Osment - can really “see dead people?” Just sayin’!

Of course, the fact is, we don’t really have to wait in suspense to know how this McCarthy “thing” is gonna turn out. Spoiler Alert: they’re gonna conclude that the “January 6th insurrection was nothing but Antifa and BLM thugs, invading the Capitol while posing as Trump supporters.” That is, all except for Ashlee Babbitt, who was the only real Trumper present - and who should be considered just “The Accidental Terrorist.” Hell, these Republican committee members might even make a really bold move - and declare war on all “domestic tourism.”

Now, because this is really not an actual, sanctioned congressional hearing, where will they hold it? I don’t believe they can use the Capitol building. Hey, perhaps they could book that Four Seasons Landscaping joint again? Seems like that’d be the perfect venue. The truth is, Kevin McCarthy’s committee may inspire others to do the same. I mean, if Trumpers like McCarthy can investigate their own insurrection, then why shouldn’t Al-Qaeda form their own 9/11 Commission? Hell, it only seems fair.


johnnyrobish 8 July 23
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I cannot wait to see how they waste their time. They could not find their asses unless they were told where to wipe. I will have to listen as this idiot is not smart enough to give away the store. Remember when they grilled Hillary for eleven hours and then he came out of the room and said that he did it not to find anything as he knew there was nothing to find. But he had to show he had the power to make her sit there for the eleven hours. What an ass wipe.


The foxes investigating who broke into the chicken coop...

Krish55 Level 8 July 23, 2021

He's a loathsome pile of protoplasm..that'll lick up whatever excrement that dribbles from Fearful Leader's orifices..along with all 5 of the other leeches..

Charlene Level 9 July 23, 2021

Are you not sure you would like to say something stronger?


They are putting up a bullshit front to sweep it under a rug for their idiot followers

bobwjr Level 10 July 23, 2021

They do not even need to hold hearings. We know what their findings will be.

KateOahu Level 8 July 23, 2021

I think any investigation they have should be a turn off the mic and shut off the lights exercise.

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