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LINK The "War On Drugs" Turns 50 (What half a century of an epic fail policy has done to marginalized communities)

This is a crazy interesting article. It is long, but it's substance isn't anything I've previously read, all in one place.

From why the drug war was impossed to how the heart attack death of a Black professional basketball player was Clinton's inspiration for 20 year mandatory minimums to Biden's 1994 crime bill, through the media & big pharma opoiod propoganda and the monumental failures.

I am happy to see someone finally address that opioids are a "white person drug" which is why it's called "a health crisis" versus the crack epidemic of the late 80s/90s, which was deemed criminal as it effected people of color much more than Hunter Biden, I mean...white people. 😜 Sorry, couldn't help myself. 😁

Seriously, it's worth a speed read if nothing else.

SeaGreenEyez 9 July 24
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I hope more people will take the time to read this compilation as it ties in with the issue of systemic racism that goes all the way back to the years leading up to the Civil War and everything that followed.


Kudos to AP and Aaron Morrison. As you noted, there is nothing here that is news, except the way it is organized and presented.

mcgeo52 Level 8 July 25, 2021

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