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Nina Turner’s Loss Is Oligarchy’s Gain

By Norman Solomon

"The race for a vacant congressional seat in northeast Ohio was a fierce battle between status quo politics and calls for social transformation. In the end, when votes were counted Tuesday night, transactional business-as-usual had won by almost 6 percent. But the victory of a corporate Democrat over a progressive firebrand did nothing to resolve the wide and deep disparity of visions at the Democratic Party’s base nationwide.

One of the candidates -- Shontel Brown, the victor -- sounded much like Hillary Clinton, who endorsed her two months ago. Meanwhile, Nina Turner dwelled on the kind of themes we always hear from Bernie Sanders, whose 2020 presidential campaign she served as a national co-chair. And while Brown trumpeted her lockstep loyalty to Joe Biden, her progressive opponent was advocating remedies for vast income inequality and the dominance of inordinate wealth over the political system. Often, during the last days of the campaign, I heard Turner refer to structural injustices of what she called “class and caste.”

A major line of attack from Brown forces was that Turner had voted against the party platform as a delegate to the 2020 Democratic National Convention. Left unsaid was the fact thatnearly one-quarter of all the convention delegates also voted ‘no’ on the platform, and for the same avowed reason-- its failure to include a Medicare for All plank."


WilliamCharles 8 Aug 5
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This is total bullshit.


I wonder if people will ever wise up...

Certainly makes you wonder..😉

Nope! Daily brainwashing is showing results and tilting the masses towards dictatorship. Somewhere between Orwell and Stalin…

@Transition1 sad but true I'm afraid. Time is running out to turn it around

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