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Lauren Boebert Failed to Disclose Husband’s Massive Energy Consulting Income

When gun-toting Lauren Boebert was running for Congress last year, she traced all her income to “Shooters Grill,” a restaurant she and her husband own in Rifle, Colo., failing to mention (as required by law) that her husband made nearly $1 million over the past two years from “energy consulting” for a company named Terra Energy Productions. Shortly after arriving in Congress, Boebert promptly introduced a bill that would bar the president from issuing moratoriums on oil and gas leasing and permitting on some federal land. Boebert claims the failure to report the “consulting” income was simply an “oversight.”

Speaking of oversight, it sure seems like there’s more “oversight” for prospective Uber drivers, than someone running for Congress these days. I mean, it’s one thing to forget to report a sum like a few hundred bucks or so, but to completely “forget" about a million dollars you pocketed in just two years? Why, that’s a helluva lotta “forgetting,” if you ask me!

Now, I’m certainly in no position to offer anyone legal advice, but I wonder if “breathtaking stupidity” can be considered a valid, legal defense? The thing is, you can’t really say Boebert’s stupid. After all, let’s not forget, she did finally pass her GED. In fact, word on the street has it, that she’s every bit as smart, if not smarter - than her close pal Marjorie Taylor Greene.

That said, I’ve gotta admit these Terra Energy Productions folks, are pretty darn smart too. Why, they know it would be way too obvious to just deposit money directly into a politician like Lauren Boebert’s bank account, so they hire her spouse as a half million-dollar-a-year “consultant.”

Of course, the only “consulting” he ever did, was consulting with her about what legislation Terra Energy Productions expected out of her, as well as how they’re both gonna go about spending all that cash - without getting caught. Say what you want, but it sure sounds like a helluva gig, assuming you can get it.


johnnyrobish 8 Aug 22
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Ooohhh, taxes...same thing that got Al Capone!
Do you think she has syphilis of the brain too?

AnneWimsey Level 9 Aug 22, 2021

Aha! That's what explains her behavior, tertiary syphilis.


No surprise. the issue now, is, will there be consequences for either of them?

BirdMan1 Level 8 Aug 22, 2021

These kinds of posts seem like an exercise in preaching to the choir. And the dutiful fill in the refrain (sound familiar?)

These posts are lost on the right wing as they clearly go by a different value set. Just makes you wonder how those values were created.

But in the words of Lynyrd Skynyrd: “🎶watergate does not bother me, does your conscience bother you🎶

Canndue Level 8 Aug 22, 2021

This isn't simple "preaching," it is satire.

Always hated that Skynyrd song. Such a banal lyric. Such a lame excuse to never try & make things better or even be aware of what's going on around one. Not so much head in the sand as up one's ass. Deliberate blindness.

@phxbillcee well, it is about Alabama…


Another corrupt Republican

bobwjr Level 10 Aug 22, 2021

Come on Bob, that is just redundant!

@Canndue I know


How do these people sleep at night?

KateOahu Level 8 Aug 22, 2021

They lack the morality and embarrassment gene. 😉

Easy to understand, simply lie, then double down on it, and prosper mightily. Any attacks will be defended by the party faithful


Greedy Ole Perverts, She fits right in her chosen party, a true ammosexual, with a kink for money.

glennlab Level 10 Aug 22, 2021
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