Ben Shapiro Warns That Next They’ll Be Coming for the Obese
Citing exhaustion and frustration with the barrage of unvaccinated patients in their care, seventy-five doctors from various hospitals in South Florida staged a protest over their hospitals being flooded with willfully unvaccinated COVID patients, making it nearly impossible to treat anyone else. In response, right-wing talk show host Ben Shapiro warned that if these doctors have their way about who gets treated, the next thing you know, they’ll be coming for “the obese.”
Oh, my gosh! Now, I see exactly what Ben’s trying to warn us about. Why, it’s the old adage “First, they came for the Big Macs, and I said nothing…” all over again. I can just hear all those MAGA Trump supporters shouting their new mantra at the top of their lungs “They’ll have to pry that Big Mac from my cold, dead, big, fat, ugly, greasy fingers!”
Anyway, speaking of obesity, about the only real difference between MAGA Trump supporters, the Proud Boys, right-wing militia groups, and the Taliban - at least as far as I can tell - is that the Taliban don’t have a weight problem. Hell, that’s why you’re probably never gonna see a “Jenny Craig Afghanistan” franchise when the Taliban take over.
Of course, after Ben Shapiro’s dire warning, there’s gonna be plenty of Trump supporters who’ll want to know which constitutional amendment covers their “right to be fat.” To be completely safe, they might wanna check with either Rudy Giuliani, or Sean Hannity’s “legal expert” Mark Levin on that.
See, the thing about Ben Shapiro’s “obesity scare tactics” is, it’s pretty well-established that obesity isn’t “communicable” like COVID. So, it’s almost as if Mr. Shapiro is being just a wee bit disingenuous - oh hell, let’s just call it “fearmongering,” when he claims “next, they’ll be coming for the obese.”
Now, if I were Mr. Shapiro, I really wouldn’t worry all that much about “them” coming for the obese. Instead, I believe I’d be more concerned about “them” coming for the “lying charlatans.” Because, were that to happen, old Ben would have to grab that great big wad of cash he made promoting hate and fear, and head for “Them Thar Hills.”
Public Lying should be an indictable offense!
Especially when engaged in by a public servant!
Apparently you can only deny services to gays.
These guys are desperate to use this bullshit
Yea, but it also makes them a ton of money.
Posted by William_MaryA symptom of perception management. The program was completed when the vast amount of the American citizenship became compliant to the delivery of MSM information. []
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