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LINK Homosexuality in Ghana: archive search

Ghana decends into primitiveness.
Gospel musician, Juliana Sackey revealed that homosexuality has the tendency to wipe out future generations if allowed to function in the country...

Monsignor 5 Aug 27
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Regardless, with the sex drive most humans have, with the attitude that the Catholic Church (& others) have towards contraceptives (& the lack of foresight in this matter when sex is on the mind) & the relatively small percentages of folks in a population that are gay, the idea that homosexuality will wipe out future generations is patently absurd.
I've read a lot of Science Fiction where at least one of the future scenarios was to push non-procreative sex in order to help stem an out of control population rise.
Poisoning our planet has a much greater chance of stemming potency &/or viable offspring than homosexuality ever can. Homosexuality has existed as long as humans have, (& we know it exists in the rest of the animal kingdom & likely always has, too) so the idea that our population is in danger from that cause is not backed by anything other than prejudice.

phxbillcee Level 10 Aug 27, 2021

Link is bad

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