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The Young Turks - Fox Guest Complains: We Have To Pay A Living Wage Now!

phxbillcee 10 Sep 11
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Fuck these people enough to live and not just survive..

Charlene Level 9 Sep 12, 2021

The thing is, without socialism, very few of these business owners are willing to pay their workers adequately. They feel that capitalism entitles them to be as greedy as they like. You cannot simply depend on capitalists to do the right and fair thing. The government, as it does under socialism, has to be there to force all of them to do the right thing by their workers.

@TomMcGiverin indeed..hence fuck these pricks..


The business owner is typical of what I encountered in most of my jobs, before I retired. I figured out at an early age that in most workplaces it is a war between the workers and the bosses, including the owner. There is only a pretense, in some businesses, that they are on friendly terms or on the same side. They are out to use and screw us workers, and I learned to have nothing but contempt for most of them and resolved to put up with as little shit as possible, hoping that some day I would inherit enough money to get out of the rat race as soon as possible. Three years ago, my day came. I can now be open about my contempt and speak as often as possible to other workers about the reality of the modern workplace and encourage them to vote accordingly and get out as soon as possible too.

One of my last jobs was a three year lesson in bare knuckles capitalism. I worked in a plant that packaged and shipped auto accessories for people wanting to chrome up their vehicles. The guy who owned it is very well known in my state, reportedly worth 78 mil., and a big donor to the Repub Party. He barely had any heat in the plant during the winter, only some floor fans in the summer. But the office staff and management of course has climate control year around. Sort of like the field slaves and the house slaves system in the old southern plantations. I began working there several months before the Great Recession, got downsized with most of the other workers in the collapse, couldn't find another job for a few years... So after being laid off for several months, they called me back to work, then kept me there for a few months. This process was repeated several times over the next couple years of my indentured servitude there, while I kept looking fruitlessly for other jobs, until I finally found an escape thru school bus driving for a private contractor that had taken over the busing for the local school district. So, ironically, my escape from the plant job was from outsourcing of formerly govt. jobs.

The plant job was essentially a perma-temp job, where I would work a few months, get laid off again and go back to collecting UE for a few months, then back again, but without any benefits or health insurance. This was also before Obamacare was passed. I even wrote and turned in a letter to the plant manager about how I had been working there for over six months in one stretch, and asking to be hired as a permanent worker with benefits. I never got an answer from him, just got word from my supervisor that I was turned down and would always be a "temp" worker, as they put it. Talk about exploitation. They were just hoping I would eventually find something else or just quit in frustration, so they would then be permanently off the hook for UE liability for me. The pricks that owned and ran this place expected me and the other workers to be grateful for how they treated us, same as this prick on Fox News, and each Christmas season we had to sit thru the charade of them handing out some gift cards from Wal-Mart and other prizes as if that made up for the lack of heat and AC in the plant as well as other slave treatment they gave us. The owner would occaisionally visit the plant and bring his friends. We had to clean everything up and prepare for these visits like they were military inspections, and then when they did visit, they would walk around and view us like animals at a zoo or slaves on the plantation. And the worst of it was the owner's son, the company president, who would come up to my work station and openly mock me by telling me in front of his friend that he was looking into buying a machine that would replace my work in packaging some of the parts.

And people wonder why slaves would violently rage and lash out with bloodshed when they rebelled and slaughtered their white oppressors? I got to learn firsthand how they might feel, as I often fantasized about kicking the living shit out of that middle-aged spoiled brat and daddy's boy. His dad, the 78 mil prick, does a lot of philanthropy, but I had a first row seat to view how that hardly makes up for his cruel, exploitive treatment of most of his workers, so it doesn't impress me at all, same as this prick business owner on Fox. The PR stuff done to make most people think these guys are humanitarians doesn't impress me at all and I use every opportunity possible to educate others about how phony and misleading philanthropy is used by greedy Repub pricks to con the public into thinking these people are anything but the monsters they really are.


That idiot doesn't understand capitalism. A capitalist doesn't do ANY work, they instead provide the money for others to do work. He is an entrepreneur,since he is active in working, managing and investing sweat equity. Mitt Romney is a capitalist, he lives off the proceeds from his money, not any work he has ever done.

glennlab Level 10 Sep 12, 2021

The Capitalists will never get it. They look at workers as disposable so why would they care if their workers have enough money to survive on? They would just as soon fire you, then hire someone else who will start at a ridiculously low wage. This is what capitalism has brought us.


Whiney ass. Sounds like a dick to work for.

That was exactly my thought while listening to the jerk. I thought my goodness, if I had to listen to that voice every day I would fire myself and get the hell out of there. Lol

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