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Trump Livid as Arizona GOP ‘Audit’ Renders Even Bigger Win for Biden

Even after the $6 million Republican-led Arizona state Senate "forensic audit" determined he was soundly beaten by Joe Biden, and by even more votes than originally counted, Donald Trump continues to tell his supporters that “the audit has uncovered significant and undeniable evidence of FRAUD!” In addition, he’s calling news outlets reporting his latest defeat as “more fake news,” and repeating his old claim that the 2020 election was “stolen from him.”

Gee whiz, this sure smells of desperate denial! My, my, reminds me of how much “I love the smell of desperation in the morning!” Now, some of you may argue that Trump and his supporters “simply can’t really handle the truth.” Well, the truth is, Trump has not only “handled” the truth, he frequently molests it!

So, even after the “audit” proved Trump lost, he continues to tell his base it’s all “fake news” and that “the election was stolen.” Really? Because as far and I can tell, it appears about the only thing that was actually stolen, was last the four years of our lives, when Trump was busy impersonating a President of the United States.

Anyway, now that this costly $6 million “audit” is over, hopefully, Republicans can now start to focus on things that really matter to their constituencies - you know, like “finding Obama’s birth certificate.” Frankly, it’s really beginning to feel like we’re having a full-fledged, mental health crisis here in this country - more commonly known as “the Republican Party.”

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johnnyrobish 8 Sep 25
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He hopes he will be president again so he can just make shit up to show his supporters how good he is. Eventually they will have to see the truth of his being a joke. No one is that stupid, eventually he will have to be doing the killing himself as he will have worked through those who will do it for him. He also has to be president so he does not have to pay his debts to Russia and Putin, he is trading the US for his debt.

Or , be indicted for his serial crime spree as president*, his Tax Fraud, as well.

@BirdMan1 They will not be happy until they can prove I voted for trump along with all other people on Earth. Personally, I wish he and his ilk would just drop dead. But as a human, I am not supposed to say things like that.

@dalefvictor We are not "supposed" to, but not as humans, as caring humans. However, as much as I never thought I'd be feeling it, I'm happy ti see these miscreants leave.
I celebrated the death of J. Edgar Hoover, and Scalia, and look forward to more moments like that.


And some bimbo in Az. is calling for a new audit, someone in Pa. is calling for one there, as well. Once he's in federal, or NYS, prison he will have plenty of time to hand count ballots!

BirdMan1 Level 8 Sep 25, 2021

You mean, he lost bigly?

Canndue Level 8 Sep 25, 2021

ROFLMAO, just wondering when will we all realize how irrelevant this has-been has become??!!

AnneWimsey Level 9 Sep 25, 2021

Not going to happen, he is incapable of recognizing a truth that emanates from outside his rancid skull!

@BirdMan1 he doesn't, in fact is incapable of it, but WE certainly can!

@AnneWimsey You bet! And, with glee!



Charlene Level 9 Sep 25, 2021

Tough shit trumpleforeskin

bobwjr Level 10 Sep 25, 2021
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