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Glenn Kirschner - If Bannon, Meadows or Others Plead the 5th, What are Congress's Options? To Immunity and Beyond.

phxbillcee 10 Oct 10
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Jail .

GEGR Level 7 Oct 11, 2021

I hope they plead the 5th, the few that do give it up will get off while those that plead the 5th nay have a long visit with the jailer.

glennlab Level 10 Oct 10, 2021

Is that how it works? If you plead the fifth they just keep you in jail until you talk? I don’t get this pleading the fifth. It’s like a fucking get out of jail free card! Some of our laws are really fucked up!

@Redheadedgammy No, what happens in a congressional hearing is that when you plead the 5th, the congressmember then reads into the record what they expect your answer to have been, then asks if that is correct. So the entire investigative results end up in the record without confirmation by that individual.
A second outcome could be that they grant immunity ala Oliver North, then either they testify or or imprisoned until they do for up to 18 months. They normally reserve immunity for lower level players.

In a trial court, if you plead the 5th questioning is over unless they grant immunity. Once they grant immunity, you are compelled to testify or go to jail for up to 18 months.

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