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The Federalist’s Joy Pullmann Says Christians Dying of COVID is Part of God’s Plan

Dismissing those pushing vaccinations as “pagans,” The Federalist’s executive editor and columnist Joy Pullmann recently told readers that Christians should “welcome the cold finality of death from the coronavirus” and “should not seek the safety of the vaccine,” because “Christians should always welcome death in any form.”

Wow, now if I’m understanding Ms. Pullmann correctly, it appears that taking good care of yourself and being in good health - is spiritually bad for you. Gee, and to think some folks actually consider today’s Republican Party to be little more than an evangelical “death cult?” Why, I wonder where they’d ever get an idea like that? You’d think folks like Joy Pullmann is the new “Jim Jones” - and not getting vaccinated is her “Grape Kool-Aid.

What these cynical skeptics fail to understand is that encouraging other Christians to die from COVID, is a sacrifice that brave folks like Joy Pullmann - is more than willing to make. While others simply talk, Joy Pullmann’s willing to put your money - where her mouth is. Come on folks, put your faith in God, not all that pagan hogwash like vaccines, seatbelts, and common sense!

Anyway, I guess for the evangelicals, the time has come to get yourself out there and “catch some of that good ole COVID-19 for Jesus.” Now, is it just me, or is anyone else wondering just who the hell is actually funding The Federalist website anyway - “Big Death?” I mean, it’s starting to sound a lot like “where have you gone Dr. Kevorkian? Our nation’s evangelicals turn their lonely eyes to you - woo, woo, woo!”

That said, so now we have this ironically-named person - "Joy" Pullmann, telling folks it’s better to die than following recommended public health measures - which are clearly demonic. Now, what I don’t get is, if they’re so convinced death is what God wants, then why get so upset over abortions? Apparently, for these folks - nothing really says I’m “pro-life” - quite like sacrificing everyone you know and love - to a deadly pandemic.

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johnnyrobish 8 Oct 21
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It could be nature's plan: failure to respond to change is a competitive disadvantage.

BitFlipper Level 8 Oct 22, 2021

Republiturd NUT JOBS .

GEGR Level 7 Oct 22, 2021



Dark, but TRUE, and to be encouraged!

AnneWimsey Level 9 Oct 21, 2021

Can we encourage them to not use seatbelts too? Between Covid, hydroxychloroquine and seatbelts, we're almost looking at a Crispr strategy.

racocn8 Level 9 Oct 21, 2021

If she is a good Christian example, shouldn't he have already killed her with Covid.

Their god is so weak, couldn't he have killed them all in the first wave. Oh well, hopefully soon.

nogod4me Level 8 Oct 21, 2021


KateOahu Level 8 Oct 21, 2021

Google The Georgia Guide Stones on wikipedia. The Guide stones say the world's population should be limited to 500 million people. Maybe there is a conspiracy to cull the herd down to that target.

nicknotes Level 8 Oct 21, 2021

It's always part of big sky daddy's plan, until it's not - stolen election.


Finally, one the Skydaddy followers has confirmed what we knew all along , it's a money-making death cult..
I have no doubt Joy already has her vaccines, that's called planning ahead..

Charlene Level 9 Oct 21, 2021


bobwjr Level 10 Oct 21, 2021

Welcome to the death cult that is Christianity. By her own reasoning she should die by her own hand.

anglophone Level 9 Oct 21, 2021

No, suicide is a sin, accordingto evangelicals (I still get pissed off that my evangelical bro-in-law told my other sister her son went to hell for taking his own life). Although she could machine gun a bunch of followers in a very pro death penalty state.


It seems "Joy" Pullmann would get on well with Esther Callejas, a 24-year old mother of two from Arizona, who fatally shot one of her children and critically injured the other, because she quote wanted them “to go to heaven.”

This why the Christian death cult is dangerous and should be banned, because when morons really believe it, to them death is the only logical choice.

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