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Long distance lobotomies will work.......


Democracy will fall due to the machinations of the republican party and keeping people from voting. Violence is spiking across the country, especially since the Trump era began.
All that said, Political Science 101 says that it only takes 10% of a population to overthrow a government. However, that statement has one important caveat - ALL of that ten percent must be willing to die. And I am pretty sure few of these assholes are willing to give up their lives. Sure, they will support others dying, etc, but they cry like wussies after getting a slap in the wrist for wrecking Congress.

I wish I had your confidence about it.

@MsKathleen I'm only confident that the asswipes are too lame to bring about a true revolution through an armed uprising. If anything, such an attempt would get crushed. I fear the republican use of voter suppression and redistricting and maintaining a repressive and religiously obsessed government. That is already occurring, and those that claim the use of violence is acceptable will support such an action, meaning, yes, violence perpetrated on POC, LGBTQ, liberals will increase.

@Beowulfsfriend I never said that I thought they would have any level of success. My concern is about the innocent people who will suffer along the way. I have experienced threats from people here who don’t like that I don’t agree with them.


1 in 3 of 1in 3 is a third of a third. I think we can take them.

Crazies are harder to control.

Only if you’re as well armed as they are.

Do you own a gun and do you know how to use it? Personally, I know how to use one, I will not buy one as if the shit show happens I will pry one from their dead hands. Along with the ammo.

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