3 15

The highest paid workers in this country are unionized, don't believe me.
The NFL, NBA, MLB are all unionized, can you tell me workers that are paid more than them. Plus they have attorneys, agents and others to negotiate for them individually.

glennlab 10 Nov 9
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UNION NOW, UNION FOREVER!!!!! Going it alone in any company with more than just a few employees is a loser!

AnneWimsey Level 9 Nov 11, 2021

The only ones that can negotiate on an equal footing with oranized money (corporations) is organized labor.


I have been in 5 Unions in my working life . Walked my first ( but not my last ) picket line before first grade with my Father . Been a Shop Stewart, and ran for Vice President of a Steelworkers Local while in College . Ended my working life as a Union Organizer at a GE Aviation Plant in North Carolina ( unsuccessfully, big surprise in the South, where Slavery is Still in Fashion ) . The killing of Union’s by raygun and his gang of Asses was the beginning of the End of the Middle Class . STAND ON YOUR FEET OR DIE ON YOUR KNEES ! Solidarity Forever !

GEGR Level 7 Nov 11, 2021

Have been in unions they are great

bobwjr Level 10 Nov 9, 2021

Same here, it was the only job I ever had that had good yearly pay increases, great benefits, and where I was able to put away a good amount of money for retirement. Every other job I ever had, I was living hand to mouth and barely scraping by, or not. I was glad and proud to join the union the first week I was on the job, never regretted the union dues I paid, just regretted all the freeloaders who sponged off the union and refused to join or pay dues. I hated that the union still had to represent the freeloaders if they got in trouble with management, as well as how they got the same pay raises and benefits that I got. The only thing the union couldn't do, due to its low membership, was fight for us against shithead managers and bad work conditions.

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