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LINK 10-year-old Black girl committed suicide after being repeatedly bullied and alerting school officials of problems | TheHill

The headline is SO misleading. 😣

This particular District was investigated by the DOJ for over two years and the findings resulted in a scathing report that was received by the District less than two months before this baby killed herself.

Not one adult did a thing to STOP the egregious treatment of Black students after the report and multiple complaints by this child's parents and others, since the report was received.

Utah has a BIG problem. 😔🤬

SeaGreenEyez 9 Nov 13
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Am I just incredibly naive....or is this a situation where someone needs to file an ENORMOUS class-action suit against this school district?

LucyLoohoo Level 9 Nov 16, 2021

The bully and school staff need to be charged with murder.

xenoview Level 8 Nov 13, 2021

Makes me wish I could believe in a HELL. We all know who'd be in it, don't we?

LucyLoohoo Level 9 Nov 13, 2021

I wonder how a 10 year old child manages to take her own life...
unless there happens to be an unsecured gun laying around the house.

skado Level 9 Nov 13, 2021

@SeaGreenEyez A recent report on NPR stated that more young people are committing suicide as they feel they have no future. Still, things like this are heartbreaking and it's just more condemnation for the white communities that stand around with their hands in their pockets and do nothing.

Geez Louise what bush have you been hiding under?
How do YOU think people kill themselves, do you think they ONLY use GUNS?
FFS, @ Skado, wake up and smell Reality PLEASE.
There is hanging, Overdosing on Sleeping Tablets/other prescribed/un-prescribed medications, electrocution, jumping from great heights, suicide by steeping in front of motor vehicles/trains. poisons and many, many more and as a Counsellor and Psychologist I have seen far, far more than my fair share.
The first suicide I ever attend was a local man who sat on a case of T.N.T. lit the fuse and spread bits and pieces of himself around the entire city block, including the Birthday Party for children in a house 2 doors away.

@SeaGreenEyez Yep, those stats for U.S. suicides would be fairly correct imo.
the gun suicide stats would go hand in hand with the prevalence and ready availability of firearms in the U.S, unfortunately.

@SeaGreenEyez The issue of suicide printed on one of our local papers got me to write how hypocritical this issue is. For the young, yes, it is terrible but for the aged and those suffering it only shows society is lacking in empathy. We desperately need a form of euthanasia to give us more choices to alleviate our physical suffering. A big part of the overpopulation problem is not just births but too many living longer even past the time they no longer want to be around.

@SeaGreenEyez, @Triphid The organization "Final Exit" gives ways to end it that do not cause shock and awe in others and is fairly painless for those willing to use it. The easiest is to get a canister of helium from a local toy store. Take some sleeping pills, put a bag over ones head with a tube from the helium to the bag. One falls asleep and dies silently and painlessly. It is recommended to get another to come and remove all the equipment so it looks like a natural death. Other ways often side affects and should be avoided.

Several times I have written about a women I met at work (long, sad story). We became close friends but she had a serious problem with depression. She was found having shot herself. Near her body was a book she had purchased from a guy to talked about non traumatic ways (for others). She shot herself but placed the gun pointing down into her body so there would be little mess.

@JackPedigo Sadly you are NOT telling me anything I do NOT already know regarding suicides and methods of suicide.
I have been working around attempted, intending to suicide, and those left behind post-suicide for well over 20+ years now. suicide


Thi sc is a massive failure on the part of these adults who supposed to protect children🤬!

No, not really, since we adults cannot be there with them 24/7 365 days per year can we?
We can ONLY do our very best and that is TRULY ALL we can do.
Yes I detest Bullying, I detest BULLIES I think that Bullies deserve the harshest PUBLIC Punishments humanly possible WITHOUT resorting to either Corporal Physical Punishment or imprisonment BUT publicly harsh and severe enough to ensure that both the public and the Bully/Bullies REMEMBER permanently what was done, why they were punished and that the Bully/Bullies CARRY with them for life the STIGMA of what they were guilt of doing.
I was bullied at school, my daughter was also bullied at school, I know full well how it feels and what it does to you.


Mormonism has a real problem with inherent racism.
Black people have only been allowed the priesthood in the LDS since 1979, when God changed his mind at the same time the federal government threatened the church with the loss of their tax except status if he did not.
Also up until 1979 the only way a black person could get in to Mormon heaven was to have themselves sealed for all eternity in the temple to a white family, so they could be be their "servant" forever, those arrangement apparently still stand.
Black Skin ("A skin of darkness" ) in the LDS was until the early 2000s considered an outward sign of a sinful or "less valorous" soul in the pre-mortal existence until god suddenly changed his mind again and decided that the early LDS prophets misinterpreted.
The early teaching of the Prophets is still that faithfulness and good standing in the church WILL make black and brown people "White and delight-some" some thing now taught as metaphorical but for 200 year was taught as literal, in other words you can tithe yourself white.
Interracial marriage is still unofficially frowned upon, though it is allowed in the church today, the words of former prophet Spencer W. Kimball still echo loud "When we declared them equal, we didn't mean we should start marrying them"

@SeaGreenEyez I didn't know you lost a child...I'm very, very sorry, my dear!

@SeaGreenEyez Sadly though Prophet "Rusty" is promoting vaccination, however he has incurred the anger of many of the quorum of the twelve and half of the first presidency for doing so, instead of publicly having faith that gawd would protect his one true prophet.
Yes Mormonism is a fucked up cult, possibly second only in stupidity to the sciencebollockists.


And the damn adults do nothing to help these kids! Disgusting.

Apunzelle Level 7 Nov 13, 2021

Sadly the idea among many arsehole parents is that bullying weeds out the week and empowers the strong.
My own mother used to threaten me that is I did not "stand up to" my bullies, she would hit me herself.

@LenHazell53 WTAH?!?


Racism amongst the Mormons not surprised, religion rears it's ugly head again

bobwjr Level 10 Nov 13, 2021

Has it EVER truly lowered its ugly head amongst those reliigiotards?

@Triphid No it never has, the only time they have made concessions is when threatened by government or the law.

@LenHazell53 EXACTLY, threaten their Coffers and they bend the knee BUT usually ONLY Buntil AFTER the Threat is gone and forgotten though


...but according to the Mormon Church...

racocn8 Level 9 Nov 13, 2021
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