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OXFAM: The best charity because it addresses the causes of poverty. [] Consider donating this Christmas season.

Krish55 8
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How do they do it? I always think the cause of poverty is because the rich never have enough.

Jolanta Level 9 Dec 20, 2021

By training and enabling the poor to advocate for their rights.


Years ago I remember a heated debate between the director of Oxfam and an African director of a charity program in Africa. The argument was about how the do-gooders from the west often make things worse and they should leave African problems for Africans to solve. Unfortunately I agree with some of this. Too often we approach problems from one perspective and don't understand the downside to our 'solutions.'

Interesting post as I just got into a discussion with a woman about how I had once put together a program showing how some 'charitable' organizations are actually harmful for the environment and even the people they purport to help (we want to do things to make us feel good and refuse to see the downsides). One example I used was Heifer Int'l. On the surface it seems like a good idea but digging a little deeper one sees big problems [] The reason I left religion was because I was involved in one such organization Children Int'l. for 123 years. I learned the hard way.

JackPedigo Level 9 Dec 11, 2021

They were both right. While most may cause problems, it doesn't mean that all do.

@Krish55 it also doesn't mean they are all good. Many have good intentions but the end product is often more misery. For instance I will not give any money for food. Food to destitute people means dependence on outside help and then that dependence is passed to the next generations. We need to taking family planning services more seriously. Why would starving people want to add to their misery by seeing their children (and grandchildren) starve. They do, however so the misery continues to grow.

@JackPedigo Starving people want to see their kids starve?

@JackPedigo But the US destroys the type of governments that promote family planning because these governments also try to control their own resources to help their people. The US supports the religious fanatics and reactionaries who get rid of family planning when they take control.

@Krish55 What else should they expect when they can't feed or even house themselves??? Perhaps even their own parents were in this situation and brought them into it. It just keeps going on and on. Why do so few people think of that? Why do so few use cognitive dissonance rule their lives?

@Krish55 Sorry, disagree. One would think (or want to) the the US controls ever aspect of people in other countries lives. We don't. Local culture (like having more than one wife (I even had first hand experience in this) and female circumcision and/or leaders who want a larger population are the major cause of local population growths. There is another aspect and that is developed countries increasing their immigration numbers as a way of getting cheap and controllable labor. Studies have shown people coming into another, wealthier country, have a higher fertility rate (within the first generation) than the natives. It would be interesting to check the fertility rate of Cubans coming to Florida as compared with both Cuba and the US.


Cool we need more like that

bobwjr Level 10 Dec 11, 2021

I was an employee of Oxfam as a manager in one of their charity shops for 15 years until my retirement in 2010. I can vouch for the organisation as having the welfare of the hungry and underprivileged of the world at the heart of their operations. In any situation where an appeal for donations after a particular disaster or human catastrophe has occurred, then 100% of all money donated and earmarked for that cause will go to it. We fund our infrastructure through our network of shops, which rely on the sale goods donated by the public, and on pledged donations, legacies and wills. I wouldn’t have continued working for them if I hadn’t believed in Oxfam’s humanitarian ethos, which coincided with my own.

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